By the 8 its a kinky shop!

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You were laying down in bed thinking about life...

(Y/N): So pretty much, I've killed many high-level creatures, and im pretty much famous. I've got an armory, a mansion with all kinda friends and I'm pretty much unbeatable. Should I start giving people handicaps? I mean, even so, it's not fair that im this op...

Maybe I should... Maybe I could go kill the devil king but he's pretty far away! He's all the way across the world, it'll be a long trip.

You then got up and looked out the window. It was in the middle of the night, and you wanted to do something cause you weren't tired.

(Y/N): *stretch* Heh, not today.

You walked out to see Megumin and darkness playing some kind of chess, while Kazuma was sitting by the fire.

(Y/N): You bored man?

Kazuma: Yeah...

(Y/N): Me too. I don't wanna go back to bed either.

Aqua: Kazuma~ I demand your rightful place by the fire! As your higher up I demand it, I am level 21! The highest level! So you know what that means, you move your spot on the couch...

(Y/N): Hmmm, my level when I started was already above max. Now it's gone up significantly. Hell, it won't even show anymore...

Kazuma: I'm off to bed.

(Y/N): You know what I think I will too.

The next morning...

You and Kazuma were out for a walk around town.

Kazuma: Hey look, there's Keith and Dust. Hey guys what are you doing over there?

Keith: Alright ill tell you, but you better promise not to tell the chicks.

He pulled you two in closer.

Keith: There's a shop down that alleyway of succubi. And they'll give you the hottest kinkiest dreams you'll ever have.

Kazuma: Keep talking...

You all walked into the shop where it looked like a strip club or something.

(Y/N): Hm, none of these chicks are my type. Maybe the dreams will be vivid enough as well.

You looked over towards the other 3 which are bound to jizz in their pants at any moment.

(Y/N): If only they grew up with porn...

Succubus 1: Hey handsome, right this way.

(Y/N): Better not regret this...

You sat down at a booth, where a succubus gave you something to fill out and filled you in with all the details.

(Y/N): I see... So is my power of the dragons too powerful for this world? Maybe if I sign up, they will not be able to drain any power from me! I'm not truly human after all!

Let's see... I'm gonna make the perfect fantasy.

Later at home with Kazuma...

(Y/N): Gonna be hard not to drink.

Darkness: My family brought this crab as a housewarming gift.

Megumin and Aqua started to talk about how good it was.

(Y/N): Then I guess I'll dig in. *claps hands together* Thank the 8!

(Y/N): *bite* my gosh! *food wars orgasm* This is amazing!!!

You and Kazuma were eating a lot of it.

Aqua: Hey Kazuma, can you light the stove for me?

Kazuma: Sure, tender.

He lit it. Then aqua put some expensive booze in the shell and drank it.

Everyone: *Gulp"

(Y/N): Nah im good, im gonna be sober tonight. I'm gonna go take a bath. Kazuma, you comin?

Kazuma: O-oh yeah.

You and Kazuma took a bath together. No home I promise. Just two bros in a hot tub.

Kazuma: *sigh* thanks (Y/N). I would've accidentally drunk that booze for sure.

(Y/N): You're welcome. Gotta look out for each other.

A little bit later...

(Y/N): *gets up and stretches* Alright I gotta get to bed.

Kazuma: Good night man.

Aqua: Aha!!! Found you!

(Y/N): Gah! What was that noise?!

You woke up and walked out in your underwear and saw a succubus and aqua and Megumin we're standing around her.

(Y/N): What the? Oh no... She got caught. Ok time to help her out.

(Y/N): You guys, just let her go.

Aqua: What?! There's no way im gonna let this thing go!

(Y/N): Well you can't just kill her! She's a being as well!

You helped her up and walked out with her.

Kazuma: Hey!!!

He ran out with a towel around his junk and he had just realized it was not a dream.

Darkness: That succubus made Kazuma put me through some painful stuff! I'm not gonna let her get out alive!

(Y/N): oh I get it. Kazuma couldn't help it guys! He was only being possessed by the succubus!

You then opened the window.

(Y/N): *whispers* next time, come through my window.

Aqua: Why'd you let her go?!

(Y/N): Cause I can. Just go back to sleep. I'm really fricken tired... *shuts the door to room*

The next day...

(Y/N): Kazuma, what did you do?

Kazuma: I... Don't wanna talk about it.

(Y/N): Ah, I would have done the same if I was in your place. No judging here man. Let's just say you don't remember anything.

Konosuba dragon born malereaderWhere stories live. Discover now