It's not free realestate

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(Y/N): We're gonna have to wait and find out... *gr*

You then felt like someone stabbed your leg.

Strange... I felt like I just got in a fight just now. Not only that, but the whole atmosphere of this place seems. Off...

This was a reference to another writer in Wattpad. Redbear-19 Theyre great check them out!

Kazuma: You good?

(Y/N): It's nothing.

Todd: Kono-

(Y/N): Suba!!!

You were walking around in the colder weather than yesterday looking for a place for Todd to stay.

(Y/N): Well buddy. Looks like youre sleeping in the stables! Sorry but that's how all adventurers start.

You said while scratching your head.

Todd: *sigh* Ok... Guess I'll stay with Aqua and Kazuma then.

(Y/N): Sounds like a plan. Also... *whispers* Kazuma gets a Lil frisky in the sheets- or hay in this matter if you know what I mean.

Todd: Ahh, I see. See ya.

(Y/N): See ya.

You went off to your temporary place at Wiz's.

Wiz: Ah! Welcome home!

(Y/N): Oh come on Wiz. You know I'll be leaving and buying my own place soon.

Wiz: Aw but im gonna miss taking care of you! Youre the only company I ever have...

She was clearly not happy about you leaving, but you would rather live in a bigger bed and room. Not that it wasn't fit for the Dragonborn! But it was just a bit too cramped for all of your items.

Heck! You look like a hoarder! It's a good thing Wiz is nice, if she was, she would have thrown you out. Aaand you paid her a small load of a million dollars.

You walked into your cramped room. There were random books strowed on the floor, you had maps and other weird junk on the floor. You had dragon bones and scales on the floor and Eris EVERYWHERE.

(Y/N): Can't trust the bank...

You put your armor on the armor stand and went to bed.

The next day...

Kazuma: (hits table) I'm tired of sitting around and doing nothing! (Y/N) has been stealing all the thunder! I wish that I could do some things and be well known! It's not fair.

(Y/N): *long sigh* Kazuma... I know how you feel. Back home, in the US. I was so bland. I had nothing to live for... It was uneventful. I've had very few girlfriends. I've hardly even made an impact there. When I died, I only had a few flashbacks. All I had was my friend. Before I died, Skyrim was all I had to play... So when I died and was allowed to be reborn here, it felt like... Destiny.

This also explains why (Y/N) is cocky sometimes. Because he had nothing to live for and now that he does, the feeling got to his head and now he feels cocky about things.

As a hardcore player of Skyrim, I know I can't just be killed. Since im, the Dragonborn, and also since The Elder Scrolls series powers and abilities are far more advanced and powerful than this world.

I've read countless books Kazuma! I found out that Todd Howard used to be a powerful wizard here! Prophesy says that he made a deal to go to another world with deep success. But since he made a deal with a demon, it changed his memories and gave him bad luck in the end.

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