Draugre again? 1

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The very next day

You were at the guild sitting with Megumine and Kazuma.

Megumine: Looks like she's fussing again...

(Y/N): I know right.

Kazuma: It's almost like she's only ever happy when causing a commotion.

Aqua went over and sat beside you.

Aqua: I got my reward... But the cage cost 200 thousand eris, so I only got 100 thousand.

(Y/N): Damn.

Aqua: I swear! Next time I see him, I'm gonna hit him with God blow right between the eyes!

Kyoya: There you are (Y/N)!

The two girls were standing beside him. And they looked pissed.

Kyoya: I want my sword back! You had to have cheated!

You chugged the rest of your beer and got up slowly. Kinda like a badass anime scene.

(Y/N): What do you mean I cheated? I'm the one wearing shitty armor. You knew I was a new adventurer. So I'm sorry you're all butt hurt that I won. Just leave right now... Not many are ever given that offer...

Kyoya: His presence... What the hell?! I can't move...

Aqua: God blow!!!

She punched him in the face and he fell right to the ground.

Aqua: You broke the cage and you're gonna pay for it! You got me?! It cost 300 thousand to fix!

Kyoya: I guess malady. Here.

After that aqua went and got some more food and sat down.

Kyoya got up.

Kyoya: Look, I know I shouldn't be asking for much. But please! I need my sword back! I promise ill buy you the finest sword in all the land!

(Y/N): I don't know about that. I already renamed it.

Kyoya: What?! You can't do that!

(Y/N): pfff yeah I can! Its new name is the thot slayer!

Kazuma: *clapping*

Kyoya: Wha- you- you cant! Only I can use it!

(Y/N): Well clearly I won... It mine!

Kyoya: No! Please give it ba-

(Y/N): Fus roh dah!

Kyoya flew out of the inn in a somewhat funny way.

Girls: Kyoya!

They then ran out and that was the end of that.

(Y/N): Boy I'm ready to eat something...

Kazuma: Did you actually name it "The Thot Slayer"?

(Y/N): Hah no! It's "Graham the Thot Slayer".

Kazuma: Ohhhh.

Darkness: You know what, that man was calling aqua goddess.

(Y/N): should we tell them?

Kazuma: the jigs up.

Aqua: It's true. It was meant to be a secret but it is I. Aqua. Worshiped by the axis sect, the goddess of water.

Megumine and darkness: You really shouldn't drink so much.

Aqua: Im not drunk!

Luna:  Emergency! We need all adventurers to head to the main gate immediately! Especially the Dragonborn and his friends! Hurry!

All: Huh?

They all ran to the main gate.

Hang in I'm about to make part 2

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