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Start from the beginning

The first ghost with whom I had spoken rubbed his temples and sighed. "I don't know... She can even hear and touch us." Everyone's eyes widened at the new information. they creeped me out with curious stares directed at me. I hate to be the center of attraction.

"Whatever," the youngest rolled his eyes, "She needs to leave. I hate humans."

"Can I feed on her?" The caramel headed smiled cutely at the older.

"For satan's sake, Jimin! We are ghosts, not vampires!!" This time it was a red-headed.

"This is unfair! I always wanted to be a vampire!!" The guy named Jimin whined.

"Short vampire. Ke Ke!" The black-haired young one laughed.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!!! I SWEAR-" I cut off Jimin by clearing my throat.

"I am really sorry but I can't leave the house. I am broke and I need to have this job to feed myself and my grandma. Being logical, what is a need of a ghost to live in a house? They can just roam around." For a moment I forgot that I was talking with someone who can kill me at that instant. I immediately shut up when their dark gaze fell on me. "P-please..? I have n-no where to g-go." I squeaked the final words.

"Namjoon hyung, you decide." So the ghost with whom I talked at first was Namjoon. He seems like the leader of the ghost squad. They really respected him.

"You can stay here..." My eyes sparkled like a diamond at Namjoon's words, "But... You have to help us."

"H-help you? How can I be of help to a ghost? You can do pretty much everything."

"There is something which we cant do and you have to do it for us." I gaped at him for continuation. "You have to free our souls."

"F-free your souls??" Everything was spinning around me at the moment, too much information to take in. "Why me?"

"You are the only person till date who can see and hear us."

"And touch us too," Jungkook added but got a glare from Namjoon for interrupting him.

"I really can't understand anything." I shivered as the atmosphere around me suddenly became like a north pole for a millisecond. The next moment I saw another ghost walking in front of me. did he just pass through my body?

"Yoongi, Hyung! We have a problem here!" Jimin excitedly notified.

Yoongi who seemed to have just woken from sleep scratched his nape and furrowed his eyebrows. Jimin began to explain when Namjoon cut him off, "We can do this later, first let's clear out everything with, Minchae."

The next moment I found myself on the sofa, squeezed between Jimin and the orange-haired one. Namjoon sat on the chair opposite me. Jungkook, the brunette, and the red-haired one sat on the floor while Yoongi simply stood leaning against the wall.

"Okay let's begin with an introduction, I am Kim Namjoon."

"I am Kim Seokjin. The eldest of all." The brown-haired one smiled.

"I am Yoongi..." The silver-haired Yoongi spoke.

"Wait- Are you that Min Yoongi whose id card was in the wardrobe??" I questioned.

"Yes. That is my room and this is my house." He emotionlessly replied. I also recalled the terrific night when I saw that blood-smeared ghost. On closely looking, it was Yoongi. My blood ran cold and suddenly I was shaking.

"Hey Minchae, are you okay?" Jimin asked from my side. He was even holding my shoulder. The hand was cold but it wasn't anything unbearable.

"Y-yes I am." I puffed the air out of my mouth. Don't think, Minnie. Don't think.

"I am Kim Taehyung." I turned my head to the orange-haired at my right. He flashed his adorable box smile. He was probably the college's heartthrob.

"I am Park Jimin."

"Jung Hoseok." The red-haired smiled. and trust me I could go blind just by its intensity. His smile was more powerful than sunshine.

"Jeon Jungkook, the maknae of the group." The black-haired spoke. He looked like a chocolate boy. His cheeks were chubby and his eyes were innocent like a child.

"I am Ko Minchae, also known as Minnie."

"Hey, Minnie is my nickname!" Jimin protested.

"Shut up, your nickname is Shortie!" Jungkook fired back. Jimin almost leaped upon him if not Namjoon.

"We all died without wanting to. We all wanted to live more but fate claimed our lives. that's why we are not at peace. Some of us were murdered and the murderer is still free. Some of us committed suicide due to some traumatic experiences and some of us have different reasons to not leave this world. We cant pass on to the afterlife until we get what we want. We want justice. You have to punish them to give us justice. Please Minchae, we want peace. Help us."

We are slowly getting into the main plot

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We are slowly getting into the main plot.😍😍

LkajshshdhdhdjsjdvfhrjskqAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJust look how gorgeous Yoongi is

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Just look how gorgeous Yoongi is. 😳😳
I cant wait for this!!
Psy x Suga

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