Sandwich - Chapter 4

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Jungkook was looking straight and heading towards the two persons he didn't expect to find here.

Reaching there he watched them playing together and laughing out loud

Jk: Having fun hyung? He startled them, Jungkook was gazing at them annoyed, With her?

Taehyung turned around at the sight of a sulking Jungkook with a blushing Eunha.

Chae: Tae- Oppa! You will lose!!! She called him and turned as well with a breathtaking smile that faded away once she saw Jungkook's face.

Chae: You? Are you stalking me?

Jungkook snickered out at her, he didn't even realize how fast his hand left Eunha's when he saw Chaeyoung glares directed at him. " When she started to call him Oppa?"

Jk: You wish! I was talking with my hyung. Jin hyung said you were out with a friend and not with a crazy stealer chipmunk!!!

Chaeyoung wanted to smash his head but she doesn't want to embarrass herself in front of Taehyung. " Who is Eunha for Him? He was holding her hand, right?"

Tae: Hahaha! I invited Chaey to accompany me here, I didn't know you will bring someone too. He said pointing at Eunha

Jk: We got invited, the others are here too... He seemed that he was justifying the presence of Eunha beside him, but he clearly wasn't, okay! Why would he?

Tae: Do you want to join us? He asked flashing a smile

Jk: Yes!!!
Chae: No!!!

They both glared at each other, Taehyung was having fun teasing Jungkook, so he would watch with delight how Jungkook is struggling to beat Chaeyoung in everything she does.
As for Eunha, she doesn't like the way Jungkook is paying more attention to Chaeyoung than her.

Jk: As I said, we would like it! Right Eunha? He was asking Eunha but his gaze was on his so-called "enemy"

Chae: No! Didn't you guys want to spend time together? Right Eunha? She did the same as him

Eunha wanted to answer but those two continued bickerings not letting her put a word.

Jk: Why would I want to spend time together? Or, you wanted to be alone with Taehyung? Besides, this is a public place I can't be wherever I want!!! He scoffed with a pouty face

Chae: We came here first!!! So you two go to another place!

Jk: Well, he smirked, we came here second, so move away! He said and moved towards Taehyung, who was holding his laugh.

Chaeyoung looked at him in disbelief "He used my own words!!! Now he's a word stealing too?!?"


Jungkook was doing everything to disturb them. He even forgot that Eunha was with them.

Chae: Oppa! Let's try this one!!! She said pointing to one of the arcade games

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