C H A P T E R 3 8

Start from the beginning

Shan Ling had meticulously styled his hair, but now it appeared disheveled, with the sapphire hairpin askew. His lips were swollen and reddened. Liu Xiao clenched his eyes shut, biting his lip to restrain himself from the shame that urged him to bang his head against the wall. After taking several deep breaths, he reopened his eyes and gazed at Bai Lan.

"What did you do? Why are you being reckless?" Liu Xiao asked, referring to the battle that happened earlier.

Bai Lan shook his head and answered, "It's not me."

Liu Xiao frowned. "Then who is it?"

"Lan Yang."

Huh? Liu Xiao pondered for a moment, then asked again, "Where are the others? Why are you hiding?"

"The poisonous flower knew that there were cultivators in this town that planned to kill her. She sent a few demonic cultivators down to kill us. Lan Yang was downstairs, having a battle, while Chen Yi and Shan Ling were nowhere to be found," Bai Lan answered.

"Why didn't you help Lan Yang downstairs?!" Liu Xiao questioned with a frown, picking up his sword on the large round table and hanging it on his waist.

"He's strong; he can do it," Bai Lan indifferently said.

Liu Xiao sighed and tied his hair into a ponytail. "Let's head to the top floor now. I need to send a message to Chen Yi, Shan Ling, and Lan Yang," he said. Approaching Wu Qingge, he took his hand, and together with Bai Lan, they left the room and hurried to the staircase leading to the highest floor.

As they ascended the stairs quietly, Liu Xiao took out three pieces of paper and murmured a few words: "Chen Yi, Shan Ling, and Lan Yang, stop your current tasks and come to the seventh floor immediately."

Upon reaching the top floor, Liu Xiao almost coughed up blood from the overwhelming demonic aura enveloping the area. The atmosphere was dense with black and red hues, reminiscent of clouds billowing from hell. Quickly donning a veil, he handed one to Bai Lan and gave another to Wu Qingge, cautioning, "Be careful; it's toxic."

Bai Lan donned the veil with a scowl, while Wu Qingge smiled as he put his on. They took another step forward when suddenly, a faint sound echoed through the vast, shadowy room—a sound akin to wood knocking, followed by more of the same, as if someone were manipulating a wooden puppet.

When the sinister fog finally cleared from their view, they saw a stark, bright red curtain with the silhouette of a woman seated at its center. Her golden eyes shone from behind the curtain as she rose slowly, her movements reminiscent of a marionette's.

Wolves are asleep amidst the trees.

Bats are all swaying in the breeze.

Liu Xiao felt a chill run down her spine as she heard the woman's voice sweetly singing alone, reminiscent of a lullaby sung to a child. Then, a pale wooden hand slowly pushed aside the red curtain, and the sound of the wood echoed once more.

But one soul lies anxious and wide awake.

Fear of the manner of ghouls, hags, and wraiths

As the woman advanced towards them, her pale wooden body appeared limp, dragging one foot after the other. The rigid butterflies perched atop her head as ornaments suddenly fluttered their black and red wings, scattering about the area.

For your dolly, Polly, sleep has flown.

Don't dare let her tremble alone for the demons

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