Chapter 40

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Nicole and Wynonna heard a rustling in the bushes, turning to each other, Nicole placing a finger on her lips to tell her sister-in-law not to make a sound. "As if I'd say anything," she replied, earning an eye roll from Nicole. "Who do you think it is?"

"What part of keeping quiet don't you understand?"

"Oh, so you want me to be quiet," Wynonna replied. "Okay, I'll be quiet. Do you think it's the wizard?"

"Fine," Nicole hissed, trying not to raise her voice. "Let's just have a full-blown conversation shall we. I think it's probably the wizard. But, who knows."

"Watcha doin'?" the little girl said, appearing suddenly, making both jump. "And, where's my cape?"

"You. I should have known. Sorry, didn't bring it. Kind of busy at the moment. I'll bring it next time."

"That's okay," she replied. "I have plenty. So, whatcha doin'?"

"We're looking for annoying little girls to throw in the lake," Wynonna offered. "Know any?"

"Would you like to play a game?"

"No," they both said, together. "We're on a stakeout," Nicole added. "We're waiting for someone."

"If it's the wizard he's over there," the girl replied, pointing. "By those trees. He's not very happy."

"Thanks. When you say not very, you mean really not happy."

The girl nodded. "His face is red."

"Did he have a baby with him?" Nicole asked.

The girl shook her head. "If you won't play, I shall not stay. Goodbye."

Waiting until she had disappeared Nicole turned to Wynonna. "And there's me thinking you were annoying."

"That girl's weird," Wynonna observed.

Looking to the trees where the girl indicated, there was no sign of the wizard, Nicole feeling slightly less confident at their prospects of killing him now they were within range. She needed to know where he was keeping Roisin before she did anything, if she could do anything, even if it meant him killing her in the process. As she weighed up all the options she failed to notice another approaching, Wynonna tugging on her sleeve, pointing to the elderly man standing to her left.

It was the second time that night Nicole jumped, letting out a small squeak to the amusement of Wynonna. "We've got company," she said.

"No shit Sherlock," Nicole replied, jumping to her feet, drawing Durendal from its scabbard, pointing it at Angelo. "Where's my daughter?"

"Safe," he whispered. "With Waverly."

"She's not. She was stolen. You promised me he wouldn't get her."

"He didn't. She was with me."

Nicole took a step back, her hand shaking on her sword. "You stole her."

"I swapped her, for when the time came. The potion merely kept her replacement in Roisin's likeness."

"You stole my child. Where is she?"

"I said, back with Waverly. I returned her before I came here."

"How can I be sure?"

Angelo pulled a small mirror from his pocket, offering it to Nicole. "This world really could do with mobile phones. See for yourself."

Taking the mirror, the scene before her brought tears to her eyes, Wynonna struggling to see too. "How do I know this isn't a trick?" Nicole asked. "This could be a lie."

The Slipper & The Magic Mirror (WAYHAUGHT)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang