Chapter 7

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"What we need," Jeremy continued, "is the lantern and carpet."

"You told me to leave the lantern."

"I did. However, we need it to illuminate the plant. And, we need the carpet to reach the top of the stem."

"Fine, I'll go, I have longer legs. I'll be quicker."

Nicole hauled herself up, heading off in the direction of the bucket, careful to use the leaves of the vegetables to cover her movements. Picking up the lantern, collecting the carpet, she made her way back, arriving at the flower pot, looking around for her companion. "Jeremy," she whispered. "Where are you?"

Jeremy had vanished, casting the lantern over the porch, wondering whether he had found a way to reach the base of the stem without the carpet. It was futile, Jeremy was nowhere to be seen. It was now down to her to use the carpet to reach the top of the skinny stick jutting out of the pot, shine the light on it, figure out Waverly's words, obtain the white rose, find her buddy and get to the next item needed.

Suddenly, her worst fear reared its ugly head. She was abandoned with no friends to call on, having to battle challenges she did not ask for, nor did she relish. Just to have someone to talk through her options would be nice. The mirror. She had the mirror and perhaps the help of Waverly. Pulling it out she stared at her own reflection. "Hello, are you in there?" Silence. "Look, I'm doing this for you. I'm not great at putting myself out there. And, this is a big ask. So, any help you can give me."

Waverly's face appeared. "Do you believe in yourself?"

"Yes, why?"

"Only, I sense you rely on others to tell you who you are."

"Okay. Didn't ask for a therapist. But, go on."

Waverly giggled, hopping from the mirror, sitting herself on Nicole's hand. "What do you want from all this?"

Nicole studied the tiny figure talking to her. She liked smaller girls, although in fairness Waverly's current size was a little too small for her. "If I put water on you, will you grow?" she asked.

Waverly's giggle turned into a full belly laugh. "You're funny. What size would like me to be?"

"Normal size. The size that would fit in my arms. I mean...the size that's easier to talk to."

"Place your hand on the ground," Waverly instructed, Nicole doing so. As she hopped off Nicole's hand Waverly grew to her normal size, gazing at the outfit her rescuer was wearing. "I must say it really suits you."

Nicole's cheeks burned, holding the lantern down not to give away her shyness. This was their first time meeting face-to-face, or rather body-to-body, with the one she set out to rescue. Shifting where she stood, unable to meet Waverly's gaze, she held out her hand. "Nicole. Nicole Haught at your service."

Waverly placed a hand against hers, the connection immediate. "Pleased to meet you Nicole Haught. I'm glad it's you here doing this. You know, you're not like the others."

"Others?" Nicole asked. "Exactly how many others have attempted to rescue you?"

"Well, there was this one guy, but he was eaten by werewolves. Oh, and a cute girl who met an unfortunate end under the foot of a troll. And..."

"So, a few," Nicole said, huffily. "Didn't expect to be the first."

"At least a hundred. Oh, and there was this really cute guy who made it all the way to the castle, only to lose heart."

"A hundred. That's a lot. And, now me. Woohoo."

"And, now you. I sense you don't like competition."

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