Chapter 11

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Jeremy's only thought was to act as if he had nothing in his hand. Something in his expression must have alerted his accuser to this limited game plan, the grumpy little goblin grabbing Jeremy's wrist before he could think of a better strategy. The shriek the goblin emitted brought out more of his small friends. "Thief! We have a thief, come to steal our precious gold."

"This is...I never. I assure you, I'm not here to steal your gold."

"Caught red-handed. A nugget the size of my hand in his pocket."

"I don't know how it got there," Jeremy pleaded. "This is a mistake."

"A mistake. A mistake," the goblin cried out, clearly enjoying tormenting the stranger before him. "A mistake. You call stealing a mistake."

"I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation," Nicole offered, trying to calm the situation. "My friend wouldn't steal."

"Then why is there gold in his pocket?"

"You have plenty," Robin piped up, Jeremy and Nicole glaring at him. "What's one nugget from so many?"

"Really not helping here," Nicole whispered. "What my friend means, we have no intention of keeping it. In fact we were bringing it back to you. Isn't that right, Jeremy?"

"Err, yes, that's right. We found it."

"Found it. Found it. Where?"

"Err, over there, on the road to here. Someone must have dropped it."

"Dropped it. Dropped it. I think not. Liars as well as thieves. Seize them."

With that the trio were set upon by the goblins, trying as best they could to break free, unsuccessful in their attempt. Ropes tied round their wrists, they were marched to a storeroom at the end of the row of houses, the door locked behind them. "Great," Nicole said, attempting to reach the knot holding her arms behind her back. "Just great. Oh no. No, no, no. The rose, they took the rose and the flute. I hate this place. I seriously fucking hate this place."

"I really didn't steal the nugget," Jeremy explained. "I had no idea it was in my pocket until I felt it."

"I believe you," Nicole said. "It doesn't matter how it got there. The bigger problem is we're back to square one, tied up in some kind of barn and our bits have been taken. Actually, it's worse than square one as I'm out of wishes."

"My dear friend, are you ready to give up?" Robin asked. "It sounds like you are."

Nicole shook her head. "Nope, not ready to give up yet. Someone untie me."

"But, you said yourself it's hopeless."

"It's not hopeless," Jeremy said. "Yes, things are not in our favour right now, but if we work together we'll find a way out of this mess."

"Easier said than done," Robin continued. "Get the positive attitude vibe, but without the items we can't rescue the dancer and without the map and carpet we're essentially lost."

Nicole glared at him. "And you're not helping by stating the obvious. Why I had to use my last wish."

"Oh, so you regret using it to rescue me. Well, I should have known."

"Hey," Jeremy interrupted. "What's happening? We'll never make it if we're fighting between ourselves. Here's what I think we should do."

Jeremy proceeded to lay out his idea, Nicole nodding. "It could work. It's a long shot, but we've got nothing to lose. Did you see where our things went?"

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