Chapter 10

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"How did you know?" Nicole asked, pulling on her boots. "To follow me into the lake."

Jeremy rolled out the map on the ground, retrieving the lantern. "Because of the Forest of Foreboding. It affected you more than us. I guessed this place isn't called the Lamenting Lake for nothing."

"You were bleating. In the forest. It got to you too."

"Inside. The forest got inside you. Made you believe what was being said. I don't know what you told yourself out there in the water, but I saw you struggling on the outward journey. Figured you'd need help getting back."

"I did. You're right, I'm hard on myself sometimes."

Jeremy held up the lantern. "It's okay to let others see your weaknesses. Yes, some will use them against you, but that's how you tell the good from the bad. Loyal from disloyal."

"They should rename this world Therapy Central," Nicole replied sarcastically, earning a look from Jeremy. "Sorry, I get what you're saying. I'm my own worst enemy."

"That's better," Jeremy replied. "I'll bill you for my services when we're out of here."

Two of the required items now in their possession, the lantern and the carpet at the ready, the companions studied the map before them. "There's nothing on here to indicate where we go next," Jeremy remarked, casting the lantern's light over the unrolled parchment.

"I could ask Waverly," Nicole suggested, pulling the small mirror from her pocket. "Hey, where do we find the third item?" she asked, waiting for Waverly to reply. Silence. "We need your help."

Jeremy lifted the lantern to shine a light over the small mirror, Nicole's face the only reflection. "I could do with your help right now," she continued, hoping their connection hadn't been broken. Silence. There was no sign of Waverly, Nicole looking over at Jeremy. "I think she's gone."

Jeremy lowered the lantern. "What does she mean to you?" he asked, picking up a stick from the ground, tracing a pattern beside the map. "I get the quest. But, what does the dancer mean to you?"

Nicole's eyes followed the path Jeremy was tracing on the ground. "I'm not sure. I think...I don't know. How did you and Robin end up together?"

"Robin was the life and soul of a party I went to," Jeremy began. "I stood for hours watching him, too scared to go over and introduce myself. Thankfully, a mutual friend recognised we might be good for each other, brought Robin over to talk to me."

"That's really sweet. Robin said you seduced him."

"Kind of. You two are very alike. He doesn't believe he's lovable."

Nicole swallowed hard at Jeremy's words. She now knew Jeremy was on her side, as was Robin. That her two companions would support her, make sure she got through whatever it was they now found themselves having to battle. Comrades in arms, knights true, allegiance to the last.

Her thoughts turned to Waverly, casting her eyes out over the lake, silently thanking her for helping in the water, recognising she too wanted her to succeed. "I won't let you down," she whispered to the water. Waverly did not respond, Nicole wondering whether letting go of the flute caused her to disappear. There was no way of knowing without Waverly telling her. Jeremy rolled up the map. "We're two items in with one to go. I get the feeling things are going to get weird from now on."

Nicole laughed, her body relaxing. "Like nothing's been weird up to this point. Everything's been perfectly normal. I wish Robin was here with us."

"No, no, no," Jeremy exclaimed. "You've used our last wish. We might have needed that."

Robin emerged from the same spot where the annoying little girl had disappeared, yawning, stretching his arms. "I so needed that sleep. Where are we?"

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