Chapter 18

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Returning to the booth, Robin was dancing bread rolls on the ends of forks, Waverly laughing at his silly performance, Nicole's heart dancing along too. Sat with friends, enjoying their company, she almost forgot about the magical world and the wizard's warning, that is until Waverly tapped her on the arm. "Do you know the person behind the bar?" she asked, sipping her water.

"No, why? There are lots of people in New York."

"He's Troy."

Nicole looked over at the tall, slender, good looking guy serving behind the bar. He must have realised they were talking about him, giving Nicole a wink, she turning round immediately. "How did you know he was called Troy?"

"That's what we call them," Waverly replied.

"Bartender, you call bartenders Troy. That's so cute. I might do that in future. Hey Troy, two beers please."

Waverly gave her a quizzical look. "Bartender. Is that what you're called here?"

It was Nicole's turn to give Waverly the same look. "I'm a lawyer. I work in a really dull office on the fifth floor of a firm. Where I sit doesn't even have a window."


"Why am I a lawyer? Pays well..."

"Why does your chair need a window?"

"No, I'm in the middle of the room, not near a window."

Waverly's attention returned to the bartender, Nicole following her gaze. "He is Troy," she repeated. "Like you."

Nicole looked over at Jeremy for clarification, he busy chatting with Robin. Turning back she thought she caught Waverly's eyes twinkling like stars, a momentary thing, perhaps the light of the booth reflected in them, or her imagination. Waverly continued to stare at the bartender, Nicole beginning to feel awkward for the poor guy, wondering if her fairy friend had a thing for people working behind bars. "He'll think we're flirting with him," she said, Waverly returning her attention to Nicole.

"I wish you could see what I can see. There's magic right before your eyes."

"What here? Is it here?"

Waverly smiled. "It could be on your mother's side."

"Okay, I'm confused. What are we talking about?"

"You don't know. Forgive me. Maybe your parents didn't tell you."

"Err, tell me what?"

"You're a bartender."

Nicole stared at Waverly not entirely sure what she was telling her. "No, I said, I'm a lawyer. I don't work here. And, what's it got to do with my parents?"

"If it was your father's side you would have sight. On your mother's side gifts aren't always given."

"Wait, are you saying the guy serving is one of you. He's a fairy."

Waverly shook her head. "Elf. Half elf, half non-magical folk. Troy."

Nicole's mouth fell open, her eyes scanning Waverly's face. It took her several moments to absorb what Waverly was telling her. "He's Troy. And you're saying I'm Troy. As in...are you saying I'm half elf?"

Waverly nodded. "That's why I thought you might know him."

Nicole stared at the bartender who smiled back, blowing her a kiss. Jeremy caught the look on her face as she turned round. "You look like you've seen a ghost," he said. "Or a goblin. Or both. Never thought I'd be saying that in a restaurant in New York." Nicole's shaking hand gripped her beer bottle. "Seriously, are you okay?"

The Slipper & The Magic Mirror (WAYHAUGHT)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें