Chapter 12

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Nicole stared at the rope Robin dangled in his hand. "Genius. We're getting our own back on those greedy goblins."

"Exactly. They thought they were smarter than us. This will show them who's the boss."

"They still have Jeremy. This place is one step forward, two steps back."

"Like a dance routine," Robin offered. "Did you mean what you said about the dancer?"

"You mean in the courtroom, with everyone staring at me. I guess."

"Only, you've never said that about anyone else."

Nicole looked down at the passing landscape. "She's different."

"I agree, she's different. Different how?"

"I don't know. When you met Jeremy. That kind of different."

"Oh, Jeremy. You know we're not as compatible as you might think."

Nicole glanced at Robin. "Really? But I thought..."

"So did I. It could have worked, but he's not the one."

"Oh, oh right. I'm sorry. I thought...he's amazing. No, I get it. If he's not the one."

"Don't get me wrong," Robin added. "He's perfect, except."

"No, I get it. Like Shae. Perfect, except. So, you think you'll take a break?"

"I was hoping to say something after the holidays. This kind of got in the way."

"Right. Oh, okay. Look, if it's any consolation, I think this, whatever this is, will be good for all of us."

"Oh, it will. I'm sure of it. Good for all of us."

The carpet began to descend, the two companions watching as the forest loomed up ahead. Coming to rest in an open field, they stepped onto soft snow, Nicole shuddering as an icy wind swept through the trees. Gathering their belongings, rolling up the carpet, Robin cast the light of the lantern before them, pointing to a wider gap between the tall pine trees immediately ahead. "I think that's the way in," he suggested. "Unless you want to see if there's another entrance."

"No, you're right," Nicole replied. "It's so cold. I might need to wear the little girl's cape."

"Best not," Robin said, keeping hold of it. "We need to get moving. Follow me."

With the lantern held high, the carpet slung over his shoulder, Robin moved off into the enchanted forest, Nicole following close behind. The white rose was inside her jacket once more, the flute in her hand, the mirror in her pocket. Robin had the map and the blue cape, marching ahead as if he knew this place intimately.

It was the silence that struck Nicole, an eerie silence, no rustling of branches in the wind, no wind at all, not even their footsteps making any noise as they trudged onward. An unnerving experience, not that there had been a surplus of sound elsewhere. This was different, almost as if the volume had been turned down. As they ventured deeper into the forest a second thought struck her. "Robin, shouldn't there be a path. Waverly said follow the path."

"To the enchanted forest," Robin replied. "Once here we make our own way to the castle."

"Right. Got it. Only, how do we know which way to go? It all looks the same to me."

"The owner of tavern said to keep the tallest trees on our left."

"Did he? I don't remember him saying that. Mind you, there's so much of this world I'd like to forget."

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