Chapter 9

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"I don't get it. Okay, okay, breathe. Go back over what's happening. Room filling with water, gets to a certain height then it goes back to the beginning. Time, maybe it's time. Think, think. No, not time. Jeremy where are you when I need you?"

The water was up to her waist again, Nicole beginning to panic. "Please, please, I can't do this. I have to do this. There's no one but me. Okay, repeat the riddle...imagine a room with no way out."

No sooner had she said those words when she was back at the start, except now there was no water gushing in. Looking at the wall where the water spout had been, it suddenly dawned on her what was happening. "Oh, oh, I think I've got it. Imagine a room."

Suddenly she was in the room again, except this time there was a door. Clapping her hands together, pulling on the handle she was surprised to find it locked. "Fuck, okay, okay. Let's try this again. Imagine a room which has a way out."

Again, she found herself in the room with the door, trying the handle. It was still locked. "It's no use. I don't know what to do."

Jake's words about quitting stung her again. "Like you always do."

"I'm not quitting, you hear. I'm not quitting. I'll work this out. There's got to be a way out. There's got to be."

Waverly's voice echoed in the room. "Simply clear your mind then the answer you will find."

"It's easy for you to say. I'm the one in trouble here."

"Nicole, my love, what are you thinking about right now?"

"Right now, not drowning."

"What did it feel like the circles on your palm? Did it feel scary, or did it feel calm?"

Nicole's thoughts went to that moment on the porch, the soft touch of Waverly's finger on her hand. As her mind held that in focus the room in which she found herself melted away, leaving her standing in exactly the same position on the bank of the lake, her clothes completely dry, Jeremy beside her, the little girl staring at her with arms folded. "Wait, where's the room?"

The moment her thoughts returned to the room she was back there once more, water gushing in. With a smile on her face she closed her eyes imagining Waverly tracing the pattern on her palm. Opening her eyes she stood once more with her companion, the little girl tapping her foot. "The answer is I stop imagining."

The little girl curtseyed. "That is correct, you've answered three, the name of the flute I will give happily." Removing her cape, handing it to Jeremy, she picked up her basket about to move away.

"Wait," Nicole said, grabbing her arm. "You haven't given us the name of the flute. And, you'll get cold without your cape."

The girl paused, turning her head slightly. "You will need the cape more than me. Good luck with your quest to free Waverly."

"The flute's name. You said, if we answer three questions correctly you would give us the name."

"I did. And, I did."

"No you didn't. And, why do we need its name? And, where is it for that matter?"

The little girl turned, pointing to the island. "The game is done and you have won. And now the lake it must be swum."

Pulling her arm free, the little girl raced off into the woods, disappearing before Nicole could get any more information from her. "Is it me, or was that the most irritating kid you've ever met?" she asked.

"The worst," Jeremy replied. "I think she was hoping you would fail the last question. Proper little psycho."

Nicole paused for a moment, not wanting to ask, needing to know why she had been abandoned. "Could you see what was happening? You know the last riddle."

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