Chapter 37

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Nicole raised the glass to her lips, the smell of rum entering her nose, not in the mood to consume alcohol in the middle of the night. Taking a sip her eyes betrayed the distaste she had for the liquid, returning her full glass to the table, watching as Wynonna drank the contents of hers in one go. "Can't beat it to warm the cockles. Had my fair share while sailing the seven seas."

"In this world, or mine?" Nicole asked, not really interested in the answer.

"Both. You wanna tell me what's eating you?"

Nicole shrugged, wary of a woman who only a few hours before she had no idea existed. That too troubled her, not that Waverly needed to tell her everything, although several sisters suddenly crawling out of the woodwork had thrown her, especially a sister as wild as Wynonna. "How long are you planning on staying?"

"A while. Until the baby comes. She needs me."

"She has me," Nicole replied, a little too defensively for it not to go unnoticed.

Wynonna refilled her glass. "I see I'm competition. Does my presence bother you?"

Nicole's eyes remained on her barely touched drink. "If Waverly wants you here you are welcome to stay."

"Do you want me here?" Wynonna pressed.

Nicole lifted her glass once more, bringing it to her lips in a bid to at least appear sociable, deciding she couldn't drink neat spirits that time of night, returning the glass to the table without taking in more of the rum. "Look, I'm glad you're here. For Waverly's sake. If it helps her."

Wynonna's sudden reduction in size alerted Nicole to what was about to happen, hands moving to her ears, glad she didn't have Durendal with her. Her eyes darted back and forth frantically searching for her smaller sister-in-law, failing to spot the pan of water speeding towards her back. She leapt from the chair at the shock of cold water cascading over her head, letting out a scream, cursing the frightful fairy. "Your tongue loosened yet?" Wynonna asked, close to her ear. "I'll only stop if you tell me."

"That's it. I want you gone," Nicole demanded. "I don't care what you're doing for Waverly, I want you out of my house. Tonight."

"That's better," Wynonna replied. "A little honesty goes a long way."

"Don't you...just don't. I don't know who you think you are, or why you think you can do this, but I don't want you here. Not if you're going to torment me, steal my sword, and...and..."

"Make you feel helpless."

"I'm not helpless," Nicole screamed. "I'm not. I got her out. Me, not you. I won."

Wynonna returned to full size, resuming her place at the table, motioning for Nicole to sit, Nicole remaining where she stood, arms on her hips, water dripping from the ends of her hair. "You did. So, what's the problem here cutie?"

"Don't fucking call me that. Don't ever call me that. Out, get out."

Wynonna folded her arms, resting her legs on the table. "Make me. Or, are you helpless?"

Nicole launched at her tormentor, missing her as Wynonna shrank, darting out of the way of Nicole's hands, kicking her left ear, dancing on her head, all to make her furious, with only one purpose in mind, to get to what was really bugging her new relative. Admittedly, Wynonna knew there were far less annoying ways to get others to open up, but she enjoyed this way so much more.

Nicole picked up the now empty pan, attempting to swat Wynonna with it, the fairy's movements too quick, swinging and missing, swinging and missing, all the time Wynonna teasing her to the point of explosion.

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