Chapter 38

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Nicole woke with a sore head, sunlight pouring into their bedroom, too bright for how delicate she felt. It took a few moments to work out how she ended up in bed, that is until the tender spot on her forehead brought everything back. Panic set in realising Waverly was not with her, prizing herself off the bed, the motion of sitting up making her nauseous.

Managing to dress herself, her mouth as dry as the Atacama Desert, she headed to the grand hall, the noise in which was beyond agony. The kitchens were just as chaotic, Nicole spying the half-empty bottle of rum still on the table, the sight of which made her want to throw up. Cook very kindly made her a herbal drink removing some of the pain in her head and the queasy feeling in her stomach, allowing her to continue the search for her wife.

She eventually found Waverly with the queen, the pair busy embroidering tiny flowers onto a robe for Roisin, Waverly smiling at the sight of Nicole. "I see you had a good evening with my sister."

"Not so loud," Nicole said, still tender in a lot of places. "I'm never drinking with her again."

"She's had years of practise. I'm guessing you two are better acquainted."

Nicole went to nod, stopping herself abruptly, fearing she might puke in front them. "Definitely. She's okay. Takes some getting used to, but she'll be an ally."

"What are your plans today, my love?" Waverly asked. "We could go for a walk. I'm in need of some company."

"I'd like that. No, no, no, Angelo. I was meant to meet with him at noon in the tavern. I must go. We will walk when I get back."

The thought of missing her allocated time with the wizard brought reality crashing back. Finding Xavier in the stables they made their way to the tavern, Angelo nowhere to be seen. The tavern owner said he had departed some hours earlier leaving a letter for her. Nicole read it silently, Angelo explaining he needed to collect a number of ingredients for a potion required for his plan to rid them of the black swan, advising he would return when the baby was due. She knew he was on her side, at least she hoped he was, but Angelo's departure did nothing to quell the uneasiness she felt at the prospect of having the black swan enter the palace, even for just one hour.

A bath and a clean set of clothes later, Nicole and Waverly took a stroll in the palace gardens, the sun beginning to drop, a slight chill in the air. "Are you warm enough?" Nicole asked, as Waverly stopped to smell a beautiful pink rose. "I can get a wrap for you, to put across your shoulders."

"I'm fine my love, stop fretting. The essence has renewed my energy."

"I'm sorry for earlier. I get caught up in my thoughts."

"My sister can be a bad influence, but she means well. Although, perhaps do not compete with her when it comes to rum."

"Lesson learnt. She can certainly drink. No, I meant before my drinking session. You asked me to say what's in my heart."

"If you do not wish to say it is alright my love."

"No, I do," Nicole replied, taking Waverly's hand. "This, all this, what we have, it''s perfect."

"And that troubles you."

Nicole nodded without thinking, glad she no longer felt her head hurt. "It's crazy right. I mean, I thought my life was going nowhere in the other world. Sure, I had a job and an apartment and great friends. It was all okay, but I wasn't happy. Something was missing and I didn't know what it was until you entered my life."

"And you mine. I longed for someone as true as you, someone who would see past my imperfections."

"My God, you have no imperfections. You're everything I've ever wanted. I just didn't know it. I won't let you down, I promise. I may not always live up to your expectations, but I'll do my very best, for you and Roisin."

The Slipper & The Magic Mirror (WAYHAUGHT)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon