"Hey," Wynonna consoled, kneeling before her sister-in-law. "We find her. Angelo would not have left this rambling shit without good reason. Although, personally I'm not a big rhyming fan. We work out what he wants you to do and we go do it. Together sis."

Nicole looked at Wynonna, placing a hand on her shoulder. "This will destroy Waverly."

"She's tough, remember. She's been through this shit with Svane for a long time."

"What do I do?" Nicole asked, her heart breaking. "What do I do? He's taken everything."

"No he hasn't. Okay, he's probably doing a victory dance right now if he does have her, but this is war. Everyone will join us in getting this fucker. You know the only time I've cried was at the window of the castle, not being able to get to my baby sister. And, I'm about ready to cry again."

The party made their way back to the palace, the storm unabating, everyone drenched by the time they entered the courtyard. Nicole had Angelo's letter in her possession, tucked inside her armour where once she had kept safe the vial of essence for Waverly. She didn't want to see the empty cradle, or Waverly's sad eyes, or the dainty outfit laid out ready for their child to have worn the next day. She didn't want to feel, didn't want to exist, knowing she had to keep going.

Removing as much wet clothing as was decent, drying her hair, walking the long corridor to their chambers, she found her grandmother consoling Waverly by the fire. "What news?" the queen asked, recognising it must not be good by the expression on Nicole's face.

"I'm riding out with Xavier. I need to do something, anything."

"You must stay," Waverly pleaded. "What if we find her? Nicole, I beg you."

Nicole went to her wife, too afraid to touch her in case the floodgates opened and she let out every last drop of sorrow she had inside. "I have to. Wynonna's coming too. We end this."

The last sound she heard was Waverly sobbing on the knees of her grandmother, unable to console her. Nicole's mother was in the corridor, pacing back and forth. "You're not strong enough to fight him. I'm sorry my darling, but his magic is far beyond ours, he'll destroy you."

Nicole hugged her mother. "My life for hers, that's the deal."

"You can't. The glades need you. I need you. And Waverly."

"It's all I have left to offer. Let him take me, do with me what he wants."

The black swan was beside himself at having stolen the most precious thing to the elven folk, returning to the castle with his prize, the first time he had set foot in it since Waverly's escape. He knew they would come for him, all the elves and those who supported them. He didn't care, believing he had enough power over others to fight off any attack, content in the knowledge he held in his hands something so delightfully precious even his heart began to melt.

"My word, you are a pretty child," he said, as he listened to the baby coo then grunt. "Such beautiful eyes and such..."

He stopped speaking when a snout appeared on the infant, growing longer, the features of the child changing into that of a piglet, dressed in a silk nightgown. The wicked wizard screamed into the night, knowing he had been tricked. But, by whom?

The piglet wriggled out of his arms, landing squarely on its feet, winking at the wizard before disappearing in a puff of smoke. In its place were a pair of ballet slippers and a note from Angelo requesting the pleasure of a last dance. Picking up the slippers, hurling them across the room, the wicked wizard was about to rip the message from Angelo to shreds when he stopped, knowing better than to discard another wizard's words. The scent of the paper as he held it to his nose told him it was enchanted, dropping it from his hand immediately.

Angelo slipped in through the palace kitchens, his knowledge of its layout gained from years of having visited Nicole's grandmother secretly. Their love for each other had produced a child when none was forthcoming with Nicole's grandfather, the child, Nicole's mother raised without anyone knowing her true identity other than her parents. The only request the king made was for Angelo, Searlas to those who once knew him in the magical world, to leave their realm which he did willingly, for the love of his child and the one who he could never hope to marry.

Unlike Svane his heart never hardened, or turn to ice, instead devoting his days to running his deli, delighted when news reached him his own daughter had chosen to leave the magical world and create a life of her own. He thought long and hard about approaching Nicole's mother, occasionally visiting her house discreetly, looking through the window at his daughter nursing Nicole, glad to be able to see her joy.

When Nicole moved to New York he desperately wanted to introduce himself to his granddaughter, worried she would not understand his ways, deciding when the time came, when the moment was right, events would conspire for them to finally meet. When she walked into his deli, that red hair, her grandmother's eyes, he knew he had done the right thing. You see love, true love, always finds a way, no matter what.

Nicole walked Gosfar out of the stables, Wynonna walking behind. "What's the plan sis?"

"Ride until I no longer feel anything," Nicole replied.

"Good plan. Any ideas on this lake?"

Nicole mounted her horse, Wynonna taking on fairy form, resting on her shoulder. "There's only one lake I know, but it doesn't make sense."

"We go there. If that's what came to you it must be the one."

"It's across the boundary. It's where he holds power."

"Then it must be there," Wynonna replied. "And, I'm your friend."

"You are. But the message said only me. As much as I don't want to burst your bubble I don't think it's you. Fuck, fuck, you're so stupid."

"Steady on there," Wynonna replied. "My feelings are already a little on the fragile side."

"No, not you. Why do I keep doing this? A friend. Bring a friend. To the lake a friend you bring."

"Yep, me. You bring me."


"Aw. See, I knew you liked me really."

"No, Happily. My flute. We need it."

Nicole dismounted, rushing back into the palace with Wynonna still on her shoulder, eventually finding the flute buried in a trunk in her private library, waving it in the air, pleased to be reunited with her friend.

They rode through the night, reaching Lily's village by early morning in need of a hot meal and dry clothes. Lily's father welcomed them, supplying ale and food, stabling Gosfar, doing his best to dry their belongings, offering to take them himself all the way to the lake. Nicole thanked him for his kind offer knowing where they were headed needed only those who had been chosen to end the tyranny of the black swan.

She could have kissed Cedric when his face appeared. "Where to?" he asked.

"The Lamenting Lake," Nicole replied. "He has Roisin."

Cedric's hand rested on hers. "Oh my, this cannot be so. We will do everything to assist you and the fairy princess."

"I know you will. Right now I need to get to that lake and do what needs to be done."

Reaching their destination Nicole thanked Cedric for his loyalty, wanting to say she would visit once all this was over, knowing that might never happen.

The lake was eerily quiet as they approached, Wynonna remaining in fairy form, whispering in Nicole's ear. "I don't like this. It feels like a trap."

"He said after dark," Nicole replied. "We wait."

And they sat, and they waited as the sun set and the moon rose and the fate of the magical world hung in the balance

The Slipper & The Magic Mirror (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now