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"What did you want to talk about?" You ask, flopping onto your bed and Bucky lays down next to you.

"Um..." He clears his throat and takes a deep breath. "How do you feel about family?"

"I love my family." You say, putting a fry in your mouth.

"That's not what I meant." He bites his lip and plays with his fingers. "I meant, what do you think about making your own family?"

"Oh." These are the types of questions that make or break a relationship. "I'm not opposed to the idea of kids. I just don't want 'em right now."

Bucky exhales and a smile breaks out on his face. "So you do want them, sometime?"

"Yeah, sometime." You nod, feeling relieved that you and Bucky are going to be fine. "Maybe when I'm married and settled somewhere. There's no way I can have a kid in this place." You joke, getting Bucky to chuckle.

"I just wanted to know 'cause I really wanted them. I'm prepared to wait 'till whenever you're ready, I've waited this long."

"How much do you want?" You ask, sitting cross legged on the bed.

"Two. Preferably a boy and a girl, but I don't mind if I have both of the same gender. You?"

"Three." You smile at him. "Two girls and a boy."

When you say that, Bucky's lips curl into a small smile, before lowering his gaze. "That's exactly what Becca wanted too."

"I'm sure she had them." You put your empty food box down and lay next to him. "You think about her often?"

"All the time. I know she'd really like you."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you're similar. Granted, you don't look the same but your attitude reminds me of her."

You know Bucky gets in his feels whenever he talks about his younger sister, Rebecca. Since he was taken by HYDRA, he never got to say goodbye to her way back when.

"Alright, I have a question." You change the subject to avoid Bucky getting upset. "If you weren't an Avenger, what would you be?"

"I'd probably have my own pet shop." He chuckles. "I love animals."

"I know you do." You stroke his cheek. "You want any pets?"

Bucky thinks. "A dog would be nice. Not a big one, just a little one."

"Like those mini labradoodles?"

"Exactly like those mini labradoodles." Bucky plays with your hair. "It's nice to have someone to talk to about normal things like this."

"It's what I'm here for." You peck his lips and reach over the counter to turn your light off and Bucky does the same.

"Night." Bucky kisses your forehead before heading off to sleep, and he turns in pretty quickly. Before he'd never used to be able to get to sleep easy.

You didn't have any intentions of sleeping tonight. Instead, what you wanted to do is find Rebecca. Taking your new phone out of your drawer, you go into Google straight away.

"If Bucky's 100 years old..." You mutter to yourself. "And she's 6 years younger, that would make her 94."

If she's 94, she still has a good shot at being alive. You figured you needed to work it out first before you did any searching.

After a while of digging and payments on Ancestry, you came to the conclusion that she is still alive. Bucky's even got some grandkids hopping around in Brooklyn as well that he doesn't know about. She's currently staying in the home that he used to live in before he went for the war, which surprised you. The fact that those buildings are still up shocked you more than the fact that she was still living in her childhood home.

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