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"Why?" You eye Tony suspiciously.

"He's asking for you in the lobby."

Your eyebrows pinch together. What was T'Challa doing in America anyways?

"I'll be back." You grab a cardigan and drape it over you, getting the elevator to go down to the lobby where T'Challa was.

There, you see him and Okoye in their Americanised clothing. Okoye's even wearing a wig to disguise herself.

"What are you guys doing here?" You asked in a hushed tone, moving towards a more secluded area.

"My father is dead." T'Challa says with a sad expression.

Your first thought goes to Erik.

"I'm so sorry." You put a hand on his shoulder. "Do you know who did it?"

"It was nobody." T'Challa exhales. "My father died of a heart attack."

You feel relieved that Erik didn't kill him like he said he would, but you're also sympathetic for T'Challa.

"I now have to take the mantle of King as well as the Black Panther. I'd like you to be at my ceremony tomorrow."

"You sure they'd want me there?"

"I have no idea why my father banished you, and nobody else knows why either. They'd be happy to see you back."

"I'll be there." You smile at him and he pulls you in for a friendly hug. You squeeze him a little tighter than usual, only because you're trying to console him.

"Thank you, Y/N."

Just then, you hear yelling and banging coming from the floors above, and you squint your eyes, trying to focus on what the sound might be.

"What's going on?" Okoye asks.

"I'll be back in a second." You say, walking away from the pair.

"Be sure to pack for a few days!" T'Challa reminds you as you get in the elevator.

"Come on, come on, come on." You say to yourself, tapping your foot impatiently.

The elevator seems to be taking it's time to get up there, and when it does, it looks as if you've come just in time.

You get to the living room to see Steve and Bucky having a huge brawl, and of course the rest of the group don't want to get involved.

Steve's face looks pretty badly bruised, and so does Bucky's. There's blood everywhere. Just when you think things couldn't get any worse, Steve uses his shield to slice Bucky's metal arm clean off, and that's when you decide to intervene.

"Can you guys stop?" You ask, pulling Steve off of Bucky. "I thought you made up?"

"Clearly not." Tony crosses his legs and drinks his coffee.

"Come on, get up." You say to Bucky, helping him off the ground. It breaks your heart to see him and Steve fighting as viciously as they are.

"Get off of me." Steve grumbles as Thor puts a hand on his shoulder. You've never seen him so angry before.

"Steve, you've got to cool it right now." You warn. "He's your friend, why are you guys fighting like this?"

"Were you and me not in the same room a few minutes ago?" He asks loudly.

"Please tell me you're not fighting over a girl." You scoff, trying to keep yourself from laughing. "No offence Cap, but that's pretty fucking stupid. You've known Bucky all your life and you're throwing your friendship away for Natasha?"

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