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After escaping Nico's house, you headed over to Raya's apartment building few blocks up. You knew it wasn't far enough from Nico, but you felt safe with Raya.

You walk into the elevator, and the doors are about to close. However, they're stopped by a strong, gloved arm. In walks the man who owns the arm, and he looks pretty tough. He's got a scar on his eyebrow and he's dressed in all black. His friend looks the same, only his hair is gelled to the back and he's got a mole on his cheek.

The last guy, however looks completely different from the two. For starters, he's got a fucking metal arm. Not common around here. He's got shoulder length brown hair, and he looks well kept, unlike his two companions.

When he walks in, you look at eachother for a while, before breaking that gaze when he steps in front of you, separating himself from the two men.

"Quando lo portiamo sul tetto, lo riportiamo dal capo." (When we take him to the roof, we bring him back to the boss) The man with the scar on his eyebrow says to the man with gelled hair.

Greece Lightning gives Scar Face a knowing nod, glaring at Metal Man. You can tell that Metal Man didn't understand a word they just said, and they're planning something sketchy.

Unlike him, you understood every Italian word, and knew that Metal Man was in danger. He had a European feel to him, as well as an American one.

You have a very keen eye for guessing where people are from. So you took a wild shot for him.

"¿Hablas español?" (Do you speak Spanish?) You whisper to Metal Man, and he looks at you blankly.


"Você fala português?" (Do you speak Portuguese?) You try.


"Française?" (French?)


"Română?" (Romanian?)

His eyes snap over to yours at the Romanian. After a few guesses, you got it.

"Da." (Yes.) He whispers back.

Oh, thank God.

"Acești bărbați intenționează să te ducă la șeful lor. Știi cine este?" (These men intend to take you to their boss. Do you know who he is?)

His face visibly pales, and he swallows. "De unde stii ca?" (How do you know?) The Metal Man asks quickly.

"I-am auzit spunându-l în italiană." (I heard him say it in Italian.)

"Shit." Metal Man says to himself. He turns over to the shady men and takes a shaky breath. "Ești sigur că asta a spus?" (Are you sure he said that?) He whispers to you.

"Da." You reply.

Metal Man presses the emergency stop button on the elevator, making it jolt to a halt.

"What are you doing?" Scar Face asks.

Metal Man doesn't answer. Instead, he throws a punch at Scar face, and the two of them start brawling.

Greeced Lightning starts to get involved, and you see him reach for his gun.

You don't know who Metal Man is, but you can't just let him get shot like a dog knowing that if he does, Greeced Lighting won't hesitate to shoot you too.

You kick the gun out of Greece's hand and punch him in the stomach, making him hiss in pain. He grabs his baton and smacks you on the head with it, making you stumble back onto the bar of the elevator.

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