Dal: "Okay, then let's make this the best summer ever"

Rae: "Can we go back down, our moms might be worried"

Y/n nodded and they all headed down. The doorbell rang before she had a chance to close the back door so she went to go open it.

Sooyoung: "Is it okay for me to be here?"

Y/n gave her a hug "Anytime. I've missed you"

Sooyoung: "I've missed you too. Let's go meet the other, and I have a gift for you"

They both went to the backyard, Sooyoung said hi to everyone, gave them hugs, and gave her gift to Y/n, who was so excited that she was there.

Y/n: "It's a book...on dragons?"

Sooyoung: "Yea, I heard you had an interest"

Y/n laughed a little "I love it"

Sooyoung: "Look in it"

Y/n flipped through the book, when she got to a certain page, there was a whole bunch of money on the page. But one other thing caught her attention "This looks like the Kim symbol"

Sooyoung: "That's cause it is. Read into it, also I think I might know why she has an interest"

Nay: "We've been trying to find out"

Sooyoung pulled down her shirt a little and near her shoulder there was the dragon tattoo. Y/n used to see it, then fell in love with it.

Momo: "That's so cool"

Y/n: "I knew I liked dragons for a reason"

Sooyoung looked at the side of Y/n's pocket and saw the knife, so she grabbed it "You still have this"

Y/n: "Yeah, I've only pulled it out once"

Jeong: "You did"

Y/n: "I...um yeah..."

Chae: "Can you explain why"

Y/n: "I was grabbed off the street when I was walking back from Rae's. I pulled out my knife, held it to the guys neck. He saw my bracelet, got scared and left. I walked home like nothing happened"

Chae: "You need to tell us when things happen. That is not okay"

Y/n: "I thought you were the chill mom"

Chae: "I am, unless someone is trying to kill or kidnap my daughter"

Tzu: "Did you hurt them"

Y/n: "It was only one guy, but no I didn't"

Tzu: "Aw man, you should've"

Dahyun: "Tzuyu!"

Tzu: "Well I mean she should've"

Rae: "So how long are you here for Mrs.Kim?"

Sooyoung: "A week again, sorry I can't stay longer"

Y/n: "What's it like being a doctor?"

Sooyoung: "Amazing, I like helping the kids"

Y/n: "You helped me when I was younger"

Sooyoung: "Yeah, and the doctor got fired so, it's all good"

Dal: "Mrs.Kim, do you have your own hospital"

Sooyoung: "Yes, I opened one up and it's all approved and everything. All I want to do is help the kids, so it was good, and my staff are nice and gentle with the kids, and if not. They are out"

Y/n: "I like that, you are amazing"

Nay: "Oh and Y/n, Rae, Dal, we were talking and pick anywhere you want to go, and we'll let you guys have a senior trip"

Rae: "America"
Y/n: "America"
Dal: "Jap...America"

Rae: "Japan still?"

Dal: "Either one

Y/n: "America it is"

Momo: "Cool, you can go next month, so start planing where you want to go. What you'll do, and how much money you might think you'll need"

Sana: "But for now, you just graduated and you'll get to have fun before then."

Rae: "We're gonna go get some food inside"

Dal: "Yeah, be right back"

The trio went inside and started talking about the different places they can go, the things they can see. How much fun they will have

Even after they brought out the food, it was still the topic of choice. They were so excited, and everyone could tell. One adult was gonna go with them, but let them be on their own. They are only going just in case something happens, an adult is already there.

This week Y/n is gonna be with Sooyoung, then next month she's gonna be off to America for a fun senior trip

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