'I knew what he was thinking while speaking the word CLOSE. A shiver runs down my spine. I shudder at the memories of my first day which were now running in front of my eyes.'

"Oh, Mel! You never told me about him." Ella complained with a pout.

"I am Blake, Blake Williams." He speaks offering his hand to Ella.

Ella quickly grabs his hand in response, "I am Ella Brown. Nice meeting you Blake." She finishes off while taking his name a little seductively.

"Oh, we are in the same group Blake. So do you know why is there nobody in the class? It's already 8:33." She speaks still looking at him and glancing over her phone once to see the time.

'Thank God, she asked the main question which was running in my mind. I wanted to know but at the same time, I didn't want to ask him. I don't want to get a slight favor from him. I would rather miss my class than ask him anything.' I speak inwardly.

" Ahh! There's no anatomy class today guys. Sir got into a major accident today while on his way to the university. So the class was canceled.
He is hospitalized now and is under major surgery. The accident took place just in front of our university in the morning nearly at 8:05. I was early to the university today and I witnessed it." He speaks with no condolence.

"Oh! Feeling sad for him." My mouth blurts my emotion out into words subconsciously.

"Oh don't feel sad Mel! After all, you were worried in the morning about being late for the class. Instead, his accident turns out to be good for you. See, now you are not late." He speaks while bending to my level with his hands still in his pockets.

His breath fanning my now red face.
I quickly take a step back not wanting to be this close to him.

'I feel sad for our professor. Thinking about what Blake said, I was not happy. I would prefer getting scolded than for someone to get harmed. I am not that selfish to get happy on someone's else sadness.'

My stomach growls suddenly making my red face now turning into a darker shade. I receive two chuckling sounds.

I lift my face to see both of them chuckling and I feel ashamed and my right-hand reaches my stomach in reflex as if it would stop growling.

"Someone's hungry huh?" Ella teasingly pokes me with her index finger at my shoulder.

"Let's go to the cafeteria if you don't mind me joining you. I am also hungry as I was in a hurry today." He asks while forming circles on his stomach by his palm.

Before I could say Ella speaks out merrily.

"Yeah, why not?. Let's go, Miss Anderson and Mr. William."

She tugs her left arm into mine and right arm into his and starts walking.

'Thank god she is walking in between us. There's space thanks to her.'

Blake leading us to the cafeteria. Looking at how he takes us confidently in the right direction, I guess he knows all the departments and rooms of the university very well.

While walking my mind drifts off to the anatomy sir for some reason. And Blake's words about how I should be happy for his accident as I was saved from the awaited scolding.
My inner detective started playing its role for some reason.

'Was it an accident?
What if it's not and was done purposefully?
Oh shit! If it was purposefully done then it is attempting to murder. But why?'

My mind suddenly recalls the text I got while riding on the bus. I got the text from my mom at 7:55 then I guess approximately at around 7:58 I received this unknown text.
And as Blake said, the accident took place nearly at 8:05 and I received the text 5-7 minutes before.

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