Abigor huffed as he finally opened the glass doors. Numerous doctors and their assistants were sitting around the room, discussing and studying while other researchers were observing some things under the microscope.

"Mr Hayes!"

A man in his early 40s limped his way towards them with a huge grin. Abigor still remembered the day when he shot the man's leg a few years ago because he failed to complete his task on time.

"Dr Shulman" Abigor greeted as they shook hands formally.

Dr Ray Shulman; one of the most sort after researchers specializing in poisons and everything related to it, worked for the American Mafia. They always created new poisons to use on enemies, away from the hawk-eyed government.

"What brings you here boss?"

"Am I not allowed to visit my own lab?" Abigor replied with a raised eyebrow, anything anyone said now only got on his nerves because of his already sour mood.

"N-No-" Dr Shulman stuttered as he feared the fate of his other leg while Abigor's eery glare sent tremors of fear down his spine.

"Boss" Karl interrupted as Abigor's icy glare met his, but he didn't back off and continued "I think we should just settle what we came here for and be on our way"

Abigor stared at him for a few seconds before finally sighing and looking away "Right"

Dr Shulman breathed out in relief.

Abigor handed Dr Shulman the small box filled with Salvador's hair. Dr stared at it, quite confused but before he could question it, Abigor handed him the small container filled with blood dangling down from the simple silver chain.

"I want you to run a test and see if they belong to the same person"

Dr Shulman nodded his head and inspected the small container before Abigor spoke up again "Use as less blood as possible, it is someone's souvenir"

The Dr, Karl and Ben all turned to look at questionably with horror visible on their faces; but Abigor's emotionless face dared them to question his order.

"Y-Yes boss, it'll take around 2 days to sample it and come out with the results" Dr Shulman said as he carefully placed the items on the table and attached an "important" sticker to them.

"You mean 1-day" Abigor said threateningly while crossing his hands in front of his chest.

"But sir-"

"How's your other leg, Dr Shulman?" Karl interjected as Abigor suppressed a snicker. Karl couldn't bear it when someone even tried to question Abigor, his loyalty knew no bounds.

Dr Shulman's face paled as he took a step back in fear "1 day. . .1 day" he repeated as Abigor smirked and patted the old man's shoulder.

"Make sure it's done by the time I'm here" he instructed and turned out, walking out of the room followed by Ben and Karl.

His mind was swarming with worst-case scenarios and he didn't want the samples to be of the same person.

If both are of Salvador Paulo's, what will I do?

He questioned himself as he sat inside the car and held his hair in frustration.

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