Chapter 13

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Cloudside Café Chapter 13: Thirteenth cup of coffee

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It takes about two hours to drive from Xicheng to Shanghai. Yun Xian and Jiang Ying decided to drive there on Friday afternoon and went to Shanghai for a meal and rest.

Jiang Ying left the small suitcase by the cloud before going to work in the morning. There were not many things this week. She left an hour earlier. When she went downstairs, Yun Xian was still waiting for her in her old place.

Before he honked his horn, Jiang Ying walked to the side of the car and sat in the position of the co-pilot.

"There are quite a lot of traveling around on weekends. Today, the elevated rack will be a bit blocked. Let me eat something to pad." Yunxian took a paper bag from the back seat and handed it to Jiang Ying, which contained a sandwich and a glass of squeezed orange juice.

"Thank you." Jiang greeted him, took out the sandwich and unwrapped the wrapper. Two pieces of soft toast sandwiched the tomato, egg and ham slices. She took a small bite and asked, "Did you make it yourself?"

"Yeah." Yun Xian pointed to the paper bag: "There is also a glass of orange juice, with a little sugar added, it won't be too sour."

"Thank you." Jiang Ying licked the salad dressing from his mouth and took a sip of orange juice. The sweetness and sourness were moderate, refreshing and greasy.

Jiang Ying was really hungry, and took a few bites of the sandwich, and she drank more than half of the orange juice.

As dusk approached, the sky gradually dimmed, and the elevated vehicles moved forward steadily.

It would take more than an hour to watch, Jiang Ying took out the iPad and pen from the bag and opened the drawing app.

She sometimes gets bored and draws some simple strokes to pass the time. Jiang Ying skillfully outlines the lines, picks and colors, and soon there are a few more lovely images on the canvas.

Whenever she starts to do one thing, she will devote herself fully. Yunxian watched her painting and turned on the lighting on the car roof for her.

Her long hair was tied into a ponytail. She lowered her head, and the shredded hair on her cheeks covered her side face, and she gave birth to a somewhat irrelevant beauty. The cabin is very quiet, only the small sound of Applepencil touching the screen from time to time.

Yunxian couldn't help being curious, and glanced at her hand.

After capturing the paintings on the screen, he felt a little familiar. What did he realize, Yun Xian asked: "The emojis you often post on WeChat are also painted by yourself?"

Jiang Ying said: "When I'm bored, I draw and play, and many people use it when I post to WeChat."

Yunxian recalled that she used two sets most often-one called "Why the Boss Does That" and the other called "Oneday for Social Animals".

Thinking of the Q version of the little girl lying on the table and tearing her noodles at the computer, with the round words "I am willing" written on her head, Yun Xian raised her mouth.

Jiang Ying often sent him this emoticon package, and he knew as soon as he sent it, Jiang Ying meant to work overtime today, remember to leave her a piece of cheesecake.

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