Chapter 9

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Cloudside Café Chapter 9: The ninth cup of coffee

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On weekends, the sky was clear, and the warm wind blew through the vine by the window.

Jiang Ying held the computer and pushed open the glass door beside the cloud. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Yunxian standing in front of a white wall with his arm in his arms, motionless, as if thinking about it.

She walked to the front desk and asked Zhao Xinrou, "What's wrong with him?"

Zhao Xinrou explained: "Yesterday some children in the store were naughty and stepped on the wall a few times. The boss was staring at the footprints."

Jiang Ying was puzzled: "What's so beautiful about the footprints?"

Zhao Xinrou shrugged: "Who knows."

People always seem to love to have trouble with themselves, the more unpleasant things are, the more they can't control their eyes and want to look there.

Yunxian passed by the wall four or five times today, knowing that the footprints on the white wall made him feel uncomfortable, like crumpled white paper, but his eyes still followed involuntarily.

Every time he looked at it, he frowned and sighed.

Jiang Ying couldn't stand it, and suggested to him: "Would you like to cover it with paint?"

Yun Xian shook his head: "It will still get dirty."

Jiang Ying looked at the white wall. From a distance, the small footprints were actually inconspicuous, so she realized something: "Yun Xian, you are a Virgo."

Yunxian: "......"

Silence instead of answering, Jiang Ying wrote "I knew it" all over his face.

She glanced at the wall, located at the top of the stairs, with a row of decorative picture frames hanging on it. Children often run up and down the stairs, so that wall is especially easy to get dirty.

Jiang Ying suggested: "Why don't you try wall painting? That wall is quite suitable."

Yun Xian moved his gaze from the wall to her and nodded: "Good idea."

"Draw a night scene." Jiang Ying sat on a high stool and stretched out his hand to compare. "Here is the night sky, the moon is on the right, and here is the outline of a cafe with a big tree next to it. What do you think?"

Yunxian touched his chin and imagined the scene Jiang Ying said: "Well, it's not bad, but where do I have to find someone to paint this?"

Jiang Ying curled up the corner of his mouth and patted his chest: "I, I'm a professional."

She got up from the chair and walked to the wall: "I painted wall paintings when I was in college. It's not difficult. It can be done in a few hours."

Yun Xian raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Then when can you paint for me?"

"Just today, it happens that I won't go to work tomorrow weekend." Jiang Ying tilted his head to look at Yun Xian, and said with a smile, "I am afraid that if we don't hurry, our Virgo Yun boss will be crazy."

After the Yunbian Cafe closed that night, Yunxian and Jiang Ying stayed and started a night job.

Jiang Ying first worked out a draft, and a large piece of color came out, and Jiang Ying was responsible for sketching out the details.

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