- Twenty-Four -

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( Two months later ) - Scarlett POV.

Y/N and I had just managed to get Rose to fall asleep when we heard loud crying coming from the baby monitor.

Natasha was the one crying, and if she kept crying, she would wake up Luke... Luke didn't cry, he screamed, and that usually would wake Rose up.

But the thing with the twins was, Luke was a Mama's boy, when I held him, he would calm down and fall asleep immediately, Natasha was Y/N little girl, and she loved her mom.

" I got this " Y/N said and carefully rolled out of our bed since Rose was sleeping in between us.

I looked at her " You are exhausted, you haven't slept in two days"

" It's okay, I can manage," she said and went over to my side of the bed and kissed my forehead before she turned the baby monitor off and walked out of the room.

I waited a few moments before Y/N came back with both the twins wide awake in her arms. She looked at me and yawned.

" Just this once..." She said and laid them on the bed and I pulled Rose closer to me.

" You don't like it when the kids sleep with us" I whispered and Y/N nodded.

" I just... I can't keep going back and forth, if they are here, this will be easier, now shhh... Stop talking " she said and closed her eyes, as she fell asleep.

I kept looking at her with the twins and I smiled, Y/N was a great mother, probably the best... She and I had grown quite close to each other again, which felt nice, but there was also a weird vibe, like she was hiding something from me.

I didn't know what it was, all I knew was that, whatever it was, Y/N had no desire of telling me about it.

She had started to act weird, she would constantly be on her phone and she would get this look on her face, a look I hadn't seen before...

Also, as the days went by, and as Y/N and I went back to our old ways, I decided to do something that I should have done months ago, and I decided to check the D.N.As a result, I thought that we were back in that place where we could be honest with each other and no matter the result we wouldn't leave each other.

Because, even if we didn't say it, she was still mine and I was still hers.

- TWO DAYS LATER - Still Scarlett POV.

" Are you sure this is the right time to do it? I mean, it's the weekend, all of our friends will be coming over" Chris said while he helped me set up the table in the backyard.

" Yeah, I wanted to have this talk with her for a while, and this feels appropriate you know,"

Hayley came into the backyard and looked at us.

" Y/N called, She's bringing a guest and Elizabeth is bringing her girlfriend, so we need two more seats," she said and I nodded and thanked her.

She kissed Chris and went back inside.
" A guest?" I said and Chris smirked.

" One of her lovers? Your replacement" he teased and I rolled my eyes.

" Y/N is not dating anyone, " I said and he hummed " perhaps, but she could be..."

" Do you get a kick out of annoying me?"

" Yes, is quite entertaining "

I shoved him and we went back to work.

After a bit of time, Y/N came home and she went straight over to me.

She hugged me and kissed my cheek.
"Can we talk for a bit? Is important" she said and I nodded and told Chris that we would be right back.

She took my hand and lead me to the office, she took a deep breath.

" I have to tell you something, and... I want you to keep an open mind..." She said and I nodded.

" Okay, you can tell me anything and I have to tell you something too... "

" Oh, then, by all means, you go first," she said and we sat on the couch.

" I looked at the DNA results, I felt like we both should know..." I said and she nodded.

" Alright, " she said and took a deep breath.

" But wait... Before you tell me, I just want to say that I love the twins and if they are Colin's and you decide to raise them with him, I would still like to be around them, " she said and I took her hands in mine and kissed her knuckles.

" You can see them as much as you want... Because they are your kids, they are ours..." I said and she smiled like an idiot.

" They are mine? Are you sure?" She asked with the biggest smile ever.

I nodded " they are"

She hugged me " that's wonderful Sky, I'm so happy, and don't get me wrong I love them regardless but now I feel more at ease knowing that Colin won't show up at our door with a lawyer claiming the babies, this is just... It's great, I'm so happy... ' she said and I smiled.

" I'm glad you are happy about it... But now... What did you want to tell me? " I asked and her smile faded a bit.

" I invited someone over for Lunch, with our friends... And... I know I should have told you this sooner but It slipped my mind but... Hmmm... "

I laughed softly at how nervous she was.
" Just say it, whatever you say will be fine"

" I invite my new girlfriend, Florence to join us all for lunch... "

For Them ( Scarlett/Reader/... ) Where stories live. Discover now