- Thirteen -

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- Your POV -

Once I got into my car, after spending the afternoon with Sebastian, I grabbed my phone and I called Katie.

Before she could say anything I started yelling at her and I bombarded her with questions, all kinds of questions.

She let me yell for a while before silence settled.

" Are you done?" She asked and I hummed.

" Great, now, I did ask a lawyer to get me full custody of Levi, but that doesn't mean that you won't get to see him, you can come and pick him up whenever you please, I just want him to live most of the times here with me. As for me and Chyler, I am sorry that you found out this way, we are not dating, but yes, we have spent a lot time together and we like each other, paps saw us kissing and walking together, but I didn't cheat on you, I waited for us to be done before she and I did anything."

" I asked for Levi's custody because I spoke with Chris and he told me about Scarlett situation and I thought that if I took care of Levi you would have more time to deal with the twins and Scarlett, I wanted to talk to you about it, but I wanted to do it at the right time."

" So you are not taking Levi from me?"

" No babe, he's your son, I would never take him from you, and you from him, you are his mother and he needs you as much as you need him, but right now, his brother and his sister need you and Scarlett needs your attention, so give them your all and I will handle Levi for a while okay?"

I let out a deep breath " I'm sorry for screaming at you, it's just that, I'm on edge lately"

" Its okay, I know how stressful everything must be, just know, that I love you, even if things didn't work out, we are friends no matter what "

I smiled '' I love you too Katie, and I hope things go well with you and Chyler "

" Thanks, and I hope things get better with you and Scarlett, also, when the babies are there, I was thinking of flying out there so Levi could meet them"

" That would be wonderful, thanks "

" No problem, I have to get going, but call me soon? So we can talk about the custody thing and the trip to New York."

" Will do, " I hanged up the phone and started to drive home.

I saw a black car parked in front of the house and I frowned before I got out of the car and made my way to the house.

Once I opened the door my heart stopped when I saw the 6'3 blonde man standing there with a frown on his face.

" So you think you can knock my daughter up and not marry her?!" Mr.Johansson said and I felt like fainting

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