- Twenty-Three -

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I woke up with Elizabeth in my arms, I smiled and carefully got out of the bed and made my way back downstairs, only to find Scarlett and Rose in the kitchen making dinner.

" Sorry, I ended up falling asleep," I said and approached them.

Rose gave a high five and I went over to Scarlett and hugged them.

" You shouldn't be cooking, you should be resting " I whispered and she smiled

" I'm fine, I didn't do anything the entire day, if anything starts hurting I will tell you, how was your nap with Lizzie?" She asked and I pulled away and sat next to Rosie.

" It was a good nap, I didn't know I was tried till my body came in contact with the bed"

Scarlett nodded and I looked at Rose and started to make small talk with her, I asked her about her summer in France and everything she did with her dad and his new girlfriend.

" So you had fun?"

" Yes, dad is fun, but he's not as fun as you and mama..." She said with a bit of a french accent, I smiled and Scarlett turned to face us.

"You have a french accent." She pointed out and Rose nodded.

" Yes mama, I only spoke french with Dad"

" Fair enough, Y/N do you think Levi will have your accent or Katie's?"

I thought about it '" I hope he gets Katie's accent is so hot "

" Auntie Y/N?"

" Yes, baby?"

" Are you dating auntie Lizzie?" Rose asked and I turned to face them.

Y/N shook her head " no, I'm not, why did you ask?"

" Because you were acting with her like you act with my Mama, and she was hugging you and you kissed her cheek"

" Well, she's my friend, and I like to be affectioned with my friends, but I'm not dating Elizabeth"

" Are you dating my mama?" She asked and Y/N shook her head " not anymore, I love your mama a lot, but we are not together "

" Why not?"

Y/N stayed silent for a bit and looked at me before she looked at Rose again.
" We are not together, because... It's not the right time, sometimes... You met the right person but it's not right yet and you have to wait a little bit "

" But what if you met someone that is as right as mama ?" She asked a bit concerned.

" Will you leave to be with that person? You won't be here with me and my brother and sister? You will leave like my dad did?" She asked and I could see tears form in her eyes, I turned the stove off and was about to race by her side when Y/N picked her up and sat Rose in front of her, on the kitchen Isle.

" I will NEVER EVER leave you or your siblings, I will always be there for you, I know it sucks that your dad is not around all the time, but I will be, I will always be there when you need me. "

" You promise?"

Y/N nodded and held out her pinky finger. '' I promise you, I will never leave you, "

Y/N looked at me " I will always love you..."

I knew she was saying that to comfort Rose, but the way she was looking at me, kind of assured me of one thing.

No matter how many girls she could have, no matter how many ups and downs we would have, at the end of the day, Y/N still loved me, my daughter, and our kids, and I loved her as much as I loved Levi.

And perhaps yes, we weren't ready to be together yet, but it was clear, she was the love of my life and I was hers.

For Them ( Scarlett/Reader/... ) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant