Chapter 109: Barbecue charm

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What's more, the dry food they brought with them in their missions was much better than the nutrients brought by other military forces. At least the dry food was still delicious.

"You all put the mechs away, it's relatively safe here." Luo Lingxing said to the three people.

And even if there is danger, he can protect everyone. The spiritual energy he has consumed during the day has recovered some, and there are still chances of winning against some beasts that are not too large, and they can be delayed until they take out the mech, so There will be no major problems.

The three were quite obedient, and immediately put them away, and then took out the dry food, intending to eat dinner silently.

"Give me some food." Han Junzhan took out his best dry food and handed it to Luo Lingxing.

"No, I have something to eat." Luo Lingxing replied, and then picked up the remaining firewood before, lit up in a pile.

"Huh? Xiao Luo, you have a lot of experience in the wild, and you know that the ignition pile drives out the beasts." Zhang Xuan said with a grin.

"It can not only drive out the beasts, but also has other functions."

Before Zhang Xuan asked, he saw that Luo Lingxing took a piece of meat from the space button that he didn't know was a beast, skewered it on a branch, and then roasted it on the fire. The fragrance came out.

Zhang Xuan and Lin Mingying looked at the tempting barbecue on the fire, and at the dry food in their hands, the dry food that just felt quite delicious instantly lost its taste and became difficult to swallow.

Because other people can eat barbecue outside, they can only eat dry food or nutritional supplements. Isn't this differential treatment too obvious? They also want to eat barbecue.

When Han Junzhan saw Luo Lingxing 's barbecue, he had already collected the dry food. Of course, he sat there and waited for the barbecue to be cooked through. Luo Lingxing did n't think there was anything. To Han Junzhan, Zhang Xuan and Lin Mingying who watched it were an envy.

Luo Lingxing just wanted to pick up the second barbecue, and found that the power of faith around him was much stronger, and his tired body was relieved. Following the trajectory of the power of faith, Zhang Xuan and Lin Mingying exuded white More points and more concentration, although Luo Lingxing did not know why these two people admired him more, but in the end he liked it very much and was very happy. After seeing that they had been staring at the barbecue in their hands, they would Passed them generously.

Anyway, there is still a lot of meat in his space, which can be grilled after eating.

"Is this for us?" Zhang Xuan and Lin Mingying asked with a barbecue and couldn't believe it.

"Well, I still have a lot here, not enough to roast." Luo Lingxing replied with a smile.

Zhang Xuan and Lin Mingying instantly felt so happy and produced more white spots.

"Humph." Han Junzhan's dissatisfaction sneered, Zhang Xuan and Lin Mingying decided to do it right for barbecue without seeing the ugly face of the boss.

Nowadays, the world is the biggest, and the biggest meal is. They don't know about the rest.

After getting the barbecue, Zhang Xuan and Lin Mingying couldn't bear the temptation of barbecue anymore and stuffed it into their mouths.

"Well, good times, the nest is the first time to set the sauce and the grilled drain for the first time." Zhang Xuan said vaguely while filling his mouth.

Although Lin Mingying didn't speak, but by looking at his expression, he knew that he enjoyed the roast meat in his hands, and then he ate up the barbecue in his hands. Then he stared at Luo Lingxing's roasted meat.

"You just gave me enough!" Han Junzhan couldn't hold it back, but one of them knocked it out, and Lolo hadn't eaten it yet. As a result, these two **** were all cheap. I knew I should have let them kill the beast just now. .

Zhang Xuan looked at his boss with tears in his eyes, trying to get sympathy and rewarding another piece of meat. Unfortunately, he was obviously asking for the wrong person, not to mention the tears in his eyes. Even if he really cried, Han Junzhan, who has always been cold, may not Sympathy.

Of course, if it is replaced by Luo Lingxing crying, then the result may be different. "Aooo ..." Xiao Bai shouted carefully.

Luo Lingxing took out Xiaobai's special bowl, crushed the pastry, poured some water, and fed it into a paste.

"Huh? Is this a little white tiger?" Lin Mingying noticed that this white dumpling was still a tiger cub, and it shouldn't look too big.

"Well, its mother died, and I found it."

"It's a poor little tiger, is Xiaolu going to keep it?" Zhang Xuan asked.

"Well, I like it very much, can it be kept?" Luo Lingxing asked. He seems to rarely see anyone keeping pets at Dixing, and even if there are, they are less attacked like puppies and kittens. Forceful.

"Of course, you can raise it if you like." Han Junzhan said beside him, glancing at the little white tiger.

Zhang Xuan and Lin Ming couldn't help twitching at the eagle's mouth, why did they suddenly feel that the boss had a bit of flattery, it must be that they were looking in the wrong way.

"Here, I have roasted more this time. I can eat more." Luo Lingxing handed the roasted meat to Zhang Xuan and Lin Mingying.

Then generate some more power of faith, Luo Lingxing thought with a smile, he found that each time they gave them two barbecues, the speed and concentration of the power of faith generated by them would increase, and he was also very happy to absorb, I do n't think it 's tiring to roast these meats. If Zhang Xuan and Lin Mingying knew that Luo Lingxing gave them barbecue, they used them as machines of faith. I do n't know how they would feel.

But don't tell them such cruel things, let them enjoy the barbecue happily.

Luo Lingxing almost roasted the meat he had collected in the past few days, and fed these three big men. If all the meat was given to him, he could eat it for several days.

But there is no way. Who makes Han Junzhan their body level very high? The higher the body level, the higher the energy required and the more food they will eat. Luo Lingxing 's D-level body, Even if you eat hard, you can't eat much.

"Xiao Luo, your barbecue technology is great. I have eaten such a delicious barbecue for the first time." Zhang Xuan said with an aftertaste, his big hands kept touching his belly, eating too much.

"I think so too, but it's much better than the restaurants outside."

Lin Mingying also did not mean to praise.

If Zhao Chongzhuo, who is still hiding from pterosaurs at the moment, knows that these two good brothers are eating so much, he will be mad at him. Love it.

Everyone is full and full, and Xiaobai is also full. He has been belly-up for a long time. He lay aside and fell asleep. In such an environment, probably only Xiaobai slept the most. Right.

In the evening, Han Junzhan asked Luo Lingxing to go to the rescue cabin to sleep. Others, including himself, took turns to watch the vigil outside. The forest at night was the most dangerous, and someone had to watch the vigil.

Luo Lingxing did not shy away. With his vigilance, if danger came, he would be aware of it as soon as possible.

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