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Hey guys, I'm sure you've been wondering where the heck I've been. There's no easy way to say this but I have lost all motivation for this book. I know a lot of you might be upset but I just don't like how I wrote this and I want to start fresh. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this causes anyone but honestly I don't even like this story line. I will be marking the story as discontinued. Again, sorry!

I might start a new story soon but I want it to be with a plot I love and I probably won't publish it until most of it is done so I don't keep people waiting.

For now, I will be starting an imagines book called As Told by Song. This will be imagines based off of songs. This way, I can update when I please without leaving people on cliffhangers!

You may have noticed I changed my username and other account stuff because now I won't just be focusing on JATP but anyone I would like or someone requests me to write about. Most will still probably be Charlie Gillespie and Andrew Garfield😆

Anyways, I hope all is well with you guys and thank you for understanding!


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