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Luke Patterson

Bobby and I are sharing a joint when we hear the doors to the school open. I get a little excited, thinking it's Amaiah, because I've been waiting to show her a new song, but when I look over the only thing I see is Alex sprinting full speed towards us with a panicked look on his face.

As he finally reaches us he slows down "woah, woah. Take a chill pill bud. What's up?" Bobby tries to calm him down.

"It's Amaiah. Sh-she's not okay" The moment the words leave Alex's lips I find myself sprinting the direction he just came from and I can hear pounding footsteps not too far behind.

My thoughts are running wild. What happened? Why isn't she okay? What am I going to do? Is going to be okay?

As I turn the corner of the hallway I find Reggie with Amaiah in his lap and tears streaming down his face. He looks up at me "I-I don't know w-what to do. I found her like this. I-I don't think she's breathing properly."

I rush over and slide across the floor on my knees. I hold Amaiah's face in my hands and rub my thumbs over her cheeks "No no no. Ames, d-don't do this. Stay with me Princess, come on"

I look up and see the other 2 guys standing around us. I now realize I have hot tears streaming down my face.

"WHY ARE YOU GUYS JUST STANDING THERE?! DO SOMETHING! CALL 911" I start yelling at the guys but I realize that won't help anything "do something. Please. I-I can't lose her. Not her too" my voice barely comes out above a whisper.

Bobby and Alex run down the hallway towards the office, I assume it's for help.

"You'll be okay. Just please stay with me, Ames. I need you" I press a soft kiss to her forehead and let my lips linger a little longer than they should.

"I-I'm so sorry dude" Reggie croaks out.

I look up and see he's still crying "hey, it's not your fault. You didn't do anything" I lean against the lockers next to him and pull him into a side hug "she'll be okay" I reassure him "she'll be okay" this time it comes out as a whisper, trying to convince myself more than anything.

Eventually Alex comes running back down the hall "Bobby called 911. He's still in there since he has to stay on the line with them. I checked the nurses office for anything that might help but it's all ice and bandaids"

I open my arm that's not around Reg as I sign for Alex to join us. He sits on my right side while Reggie is on my left and squeeze both of their shoulders "She's gonna be okay"


The paramedics get here and take her out on a stretcher. The moment the ambulance left we sprinted to the car. They didn't let any of us ride with because we aren't family. Bobby is driving with Alex in the passenger seat while me and Reg sit in the back.

"Did anyone call her mom?" I realize we completely forgot about Susan in this mess. The boys just stay silent "shit"

"We'll call her when we get to the hospital" Bobby tries to be reassuring. I mumble some  not-so-nice words under my breath and then we're all quiet the rest of the drive.


When we get to the hospital I book it to the front desk and ask what room Amaiah is in. The lady tells me and I mumble a quick 'thank you' before sprinting down the hallway.

As I open the door to the room, I find Amaiah laying on the bed with machines all around her. The only thing keeping me from thinking she's dead is the slow beeping of the heart monitor.

I pull up a chair from the corner of the room and sit right next to the bed, taking her hand in mine.

"Hey, how're you doing? I don't even know what's wrong with you now that I think about it. Why the fuck were you unconcious in a school hallway?" I let out a humorless laugh "God, if this never happened we'd be sitting in the garage showing you our new song. It's actually about you but I'll never tell you that. Conscious you anyways" I start to play with the rings on her fingers "you'd sit there interrogating me to find out who it was about, just like you always do when we play a song about you. I'd try to play it off like it was just a song but then you'd say 'that song has too much emotion for it to be just a song'" I smile softly to myself thinking about the energetic brunette that always made rehearsals so much better.

I hear the door open "we called her mom" I look up to see the boys standing in the doorway "she's on her way" Alex continues.

I nod and turn my attention back to Amaiah. Now I realize that I had started crying. Again. I wip my eyes on the back of my hand and sit and wait for Susan to get here.


The door opens and in walks Susan with a doctor following behind.

"From what me can tell, Ms.Evans passed out from lack of air and hit her head on impact with the floor. She has a minor concussion but she'll be fine. She should wake up soon. She'll probably be able to hear you if you talk to her" My face turns from relief to pale at the doctor's words.

Could she hear me?

"Ayo Luke, you good?" Bobby pats my shoulder pulling me out of my panic.

"Uh, y-yeah. I'm good"

Susan turns to the doctor "my daughter has panic attacks quite often, so that's probably what caused the lack of air. Although her attacks have decreased incredibly since she's met these boys"

We all hold a proud look on our faces.

We did that.

"I'm glad to hear that. I'll leave you guys alone. Call me in when she wakes up" and with that, he's gone and we're all back to Amaiah's side.

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