
356 11 4

September 10, 1994
Amaiah Evans

"Well, this is it" I sigh and turn to look at Luke.

"Wow you live pretty close to the studio. I think this is a sign for you to come over more often" Luke smirks at me.

"You know, I just might have to take you up on that offer" I chuckle.

"Oh by the way, you're gonna start riding with us. You get picked up last so be ready by 7:50"

"You guys don't need to worry about me. I can walk, I'll be just fine"

"Just shut up and take the offer. You worry about other people too much. Do something for yourself for once"

"Ugh fine" I try to hold back my smile but it slowly creeps onto my lips. I couldn't help it. These guys have made me feel so welcome and I couldn't ask for better friends.

"See you tomorrow Evans" and with that he walked away.

I walk up the stairs to my third story apartment with thoughts running through my brain; mainly about Luke, but I shook them away as I approached my apartment.

"Ma! I'm home!" I yell while walking in the door kicking off my shoes "Mom?" I walk into the kitchen and find a note.

Hey sweetie, dinner's in the fridge! Sorry I'm not here, work called. Hope you had an awesome first day and I can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow. Love you baby!

I sigh and open the fridge. Spaghetti. "Again? No thanks" I shut the fridge and walk to my room. All of a sudden I hear my phone ringing and I walk over to pick it up.


"Hey Evans"

"Patterson? Miss me already?"

"You wish. Just thought you should write our number down. Mark it as the studio and we can give you our separate ones later"

I grab a notepad and a pen and do as he says.

"Alright, so is that all you called for?"

"Just wondering what you're doing for dinner tonight"

"Is this you trying to ask me out"

"No! No." I can tell he's flustered by the sound of his voice and I can't help but laugh at the effect I have on him "I just like talking about food. These guys don't feed me enough"

I laugh "Well in that case, I'm probably just gonna order a pizza. My mom's working late and I don't feel like having leftovers again"

"What? It's your first night as part of the most epic friend group ever and what kind of friends would we be if we let you spend it alone?"

"Trust me, I'm fine. I'm used to it"

"No way. We're coming over. Plus pizza sounds amazing"

"Pizza? Count me in!" I can hear Reggie faintly on the other side of the line. I laugh and start to twirl the cord of the phone with my finger.

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