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Amaiah Evans

The past few weeks have been amazing. I've gone to the studio with the boys everyday after school and we've all spent every spare minute together. I've gotten so close with them; mainly Luke. We just clicked instantly. I know I have some type of strong feeling for him. Something that keeps drawing me to him, always wanting to be around him. I don't fully know what exactly this feeling is. I refuse to believe that I might like him. I can't let myself go down that road again. Not after everything that happened. So I'll just keep my walls up and make sure there's no way for him to tear them down, although he seems pretty determined to do so. I just enjoy his company. Bobby obviously has also not stopped flirting with me. Now it's kinda just playful, like now he doesn't actually want anything to happen he just likes messing around with me. And honestly I'm okay with it. He's grown on me. Alex has majorly opened up to me. Mainly about his sexuality, and how he's scared to come out to his heavily Christian parents. I let him know that no matter what, I'll be there for him. Reggie has also opened up about his current situation with his parents. He sometimes sleeps on my couch, but mom's okay with it. Although she won't admit it, she loves these boys. Luke has been too busy trying to get me to talk, he really hasn't told me too much about his parents. Just that they try to get him to quit music, but he knows they love him. They're just looking out for him.

It's now been a month since I met the boys and we are sitting in the local dinner celebrating our "anniversary". Alex insisted, saying that meeting me was one of the best things that has happened to them and he just wanted to show their appreciation. I'm okay with it though. Honestly, I'm the happiest I have been in a whole year. That was, until I saw him.

AHHHHH I'm so sorry this is so short. I just kinda wanted to do a filler chapter and a cliffhanger sounded fun so here we are. PLEASE DONT HATE ME. Sorry I haven't updated in like a week but I have been super busy with softball. Anyways... thank you so much for reading and I hope you're enjoying it! I might update again tonight... IDK. Love you guys!


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