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September 10, 1994
Amaiah Evans

~=time skip

The day drags along slowly. I had History and Science with Alex and the guys and it was just me and Reggie in Math. Finally it's time for lunch.

"You're sitting with me and the guys right?" Reggie asks as we make our way to the cafeteria.

"I don't know, I feel like I'm invading your group" I say nervously.

"Oh please, you're fine. I know me and Alex both enjoy your company, who cares what the other two think" I giggle at his words. Reggie and Alex have really made me feel welcome in just a few hours and I couldn't be more grateful.

"You're too sweet Reg" He smiles brightly at me and we get in line for our food.

I grab a salad and a juice box and follow Reggie to a table where the others are ready sitting.

"Yay Amaiah you're here!" Alex exclaims while standing up to hug me.

I giggle "Yea i don't really have anywhere else to sit. I can leave if you guys don't want me here tho" I say while looking towards Luke and Bobby.

"Nonsense. You are officially a part of the group. We talked it over" Alex says and I can see the excitement in his eyes making me smile.

"Yea but only on one condition" I look over at Luke as he says this "you're coming to band rehearsal with us after school and you're showing me what you can do with a guitar" he smirks.

"Alright I can handle that"

"And you have to go on a date with me" Bobby chimes in. I look at Alex with worried eyes.

"Yea that's not happening" Alex says while smacking Bobby as I let out a sigh of relief "you are still coming to rehearsal with us tho"

"Wouldn't miss it" I smile at Alex and take my seat in between him and Reggie with Luke directly across from me.

I couldn't help but notice Luke continuously glancing at me throughout lunch, but my thoughts were interrupted by Alex "So what classes do you have the rest of the day? We can figure out what you have with who"

"Let's see" I pull out my class list from my bag "After lunch I have Spanish"

"Ok so do me and Luke" Alex responds.

"After that I have shop class"

"Me too" I turn to look at Luke to see him smirking at me. It was kinda hot.

"Good now I won't be alone" I smile back at him "then after that I have P.E and lastly cooking"

"Me and Bobby have P.E with you and then we all have cooking together. This is gonna be a fun year!" I can't help but smile at Alex's excitement. I just made four new friends and I couldn't be happier.


In shop class there's a seating chart on the teachers desk and to my surprise, me and Luke are table buddies.

"Looks like you're stuck with me" I hear Luke say from over my shoulder. I look at him and giggle.

"Aw too bad, I was hoping to finally get away from you" I say sarcastically.

Luke gasps, returning my sarcasm "I'm deeply offended"

"Aw you poor thing. Get over it" he laughs and follows me to our table.

"Good morning class! This year we will be mainly working with the person sitting
next to you so get comfortable with them!" The teacher says as he walks in the classroom.

"Wow now you're even stuck being my partner. Life's rough" Luke turns to me with a smirk. AGAIN.

"You have no idea" I say laughing at him.


In cooking, the teacher tells us to pick a person to work with and sit next to for the entire semester.

"I call Alex! The dude can cook" Reggie calls dibs before anyone else can

"I get A-" I know what Bobby's trying to say but I cut him off.

"I'll be with Luke!" I blurt out as quickly as possible. Luke raises an eyebrow at me but I give him a look and he knows what I'm trying to say.

"Great now I gotta be with some random person" Bobby retorts as I grab Luke by the arm and drag him to our table that's tight behind Reggie and Alex.

"Sorry I just really didn't want to be with Bobby and-" my hands start shaking for some reason. Luke notices and grabs one, making me stop talking.

"It's okay I get it. I got your back Evans" He smirks at me. AGAIN. Jesus does this guys have any other facial expressions?

"Thanks Luke" I smile at him and pull my hand away since it stopped shaking.


I grab my stuff out of my locker and shut the door. That's when I notice the four boys gathered around me.

"JESUS CHRIST DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" I yell and grab onto the thing closet to me which happens to be Luke's shirt. I realize what I'm doing and quickly pull my hand away as my cheeks flush lightly.

"Sorry A, didn't mean to scare ya" Reggie says "But you didn't know which car was ours so we had to come find you"

"It's okay Reg, just give a bit of a warning next time, yeah?"

"Yeah okay"

The boys lead me out to the car and Alex and Reggie climb into the drivers and passenger seats leaving me stuck in between Bobby and Luke.

A few minutes  into the drive I feel a hand on my thigh as someone whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine "You know if you wanted to see me shirtless that badly you could've just asked"

I slap Luke's hand away and whisper back "Not a chance Patterson"

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