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TW: abuse and slight talks of alcohol

Amaiah Evans

Luke begins to climb up a ladder with me nervously following behind. I couldn't really see anything but I think we're at a tree house. Luke gets inside and turns on a lantern and my suspicions are confirmed. I climb into the makeshift house with Luke grabbing my arms and helping me up.

"Where are we?" I ask looking around. It was prettty empty, just a bunch of leaves everywhere and a single bean bag chair sitting in the corner.

"The backyard of my childhood house. Don't worry, nobody lives here anymore so we won't get the cops called on us" he chuckled lightly trying to lighten the mood "We moved out of here when I was like 7, then moved into my current house and that was when I met the guys"

I stay silent, but it's a comfortable silence. Just taking in my surroundings.

"Ames, what the hell just happened?" Luke breaks the silence, stepping closer to me.

"Shit, where do I even begin?" I let out a sad laugh "can we sit down?" He nods and pulls me over to the bean bag. We both sit on it, me snuggling into his chest for warmth.

"I guess I should start with my dad. Um, basically he was abusive, like a lot. It started when I was ten. He was a drunk. He only ever hit my mom and just verbally abused me, until I started getting older. I think I was fourteen when he first punched me. I came home from school late cuz I got detention. He was pissed" Luke starts to play with my fingers "he hit me and I was on the ground and he just didn't stop. He kicked me and yelled at me. Saying I was worthless and a disappointment, that I was never going to get anywhere in life and that he should've used a condom" I am now aware of the hot tears streaming down my face. Luke wipes them with his thumb and nods for me to continue, the goes back to messing with my hands.

"A few weeks later, I met Jason" I can feel Luke's body tense up at his name "he came up to me in detention because he noticed my bruises. Instead of bringing them up like everybody else, he just sat with me and we talked for a long time. He was super sweet and asked me for my number, saying he would call me sometime. And he did. We talked almost every night, but always late. I was afraid if my dad heard me on the phone with a guy he'd get mad. Jason became my comfort person, my bestfriend. I eventually told him about my dad and he was always there for me. When I was fifteen he asked me out and I obviously said yes. The first few months of our relationship were amazing. I thought he was this amazing guy. I was young, but I thought he was the one. He was my first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first love. One night I was at his house waiting for him to come home, his parents were out of town. He come home from a party super drunk and I got really scared. He came up to me and started kissing me aggressively. He tried to take off my clothes but I didn't want my first time to be when he was drunk, so I stopped him. He got really mad. He slapped me and basically ripped my clothes off. The more I resisted him, the more he hit me. So I just let him. I let him take off my clothes and throw me on the bed. When it got to the moment, I begged him, pleaded for him to not make me. Told him that I wanted it to be special. That just made him more mad. He hit me again and forced himself into me. I cried the entire time and he would slap me and tell me to shut up"

"That piece of shit fucking raped you" I can practically see the steam coming out of Luke's ears.

"I mean now that you say it, yeah he did" I cried even harder.

"Hey, I'm sorry. We can stop talking about this if you want" he ran his fingers through my hair.

"No I need to talk to someone about this, and I want it to be you" he slightly smiled at my words "when he finally stopped, I silently cried myself to sleep. The next morning he pretended like nothing happened and he was back to the sweet boy I fell in love with. But whenever he drank, the same thing would happen. I eventually just stopped fighting it, realizing that it would save myself from a lot of pain. I never enjoyed it, not once. We never did it when I was comfortable with it, but I didn't know how to make him stop. I didn't really have any friends. My parents loved him, even my dad. They never saw what happened at night. I had no one to turn to. I finally couldn't handle it anymore. The abuse from both Jason and my dad was just too much. Me and my mom were already planning to run away from my dad, but we didn't know when. I told my mom about Jason and that was the last straw. We left that night and never looked back. That was when I made a promise to myself that I would never fall in love again. Save myself from the disgusting nature that is men, no offense" Luke just laughed "I just know I can't go through that again. Remember the whole 'my boyfriend cheated on me so I smashed his guitar'? Yeah, that didn't happen. Jason was my first everything but he never had a guitar for me to smash. And you know how I said we had to 'sell my guitar in the move'? Nope. I smashed my own guitar. I was that mad. My literal pride and joy and I fucking destroyed it. Because of him. That night in your guys' studio was the first time I had played in months and I was terrified, but you guys made it feel okay. That's when I knew I wanted you in my life. All of you. My mom couldn't even get me to look at a guitar. And somehow you idiots got me to fucking play again. You have no idea how big of I deal that is to me"

Luke just smiled and kissed my forehead "thank you"

I looked up at him confused "why are you thanking me?"

"Thank you for trusting me enough to open up to me. I could always tell there was something wrong. Something deeper. You did damn good job covering it up though" he chuckles "you mean a lot to me Ames, and I love that you wanted to tell me everything"

I can feel my eyelids getting heavy as I smile "thank you Luke" I whisper.

I feel I final kiss on my forehead and his hands tangled in my hair before everything goes black.

WE HAVE A BACKSTORY! What do you guys think? Good? Bad? Personally, I like it but I always love hearing other people's opinions!


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