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The two men walked down the dark street.

It was Halloween. People of all ages walked around in costumes of all sorts.

Some people wore more stereotypical costumes like vampires, princesses, cowboys, and skeletons, while others wore costumes of characters nobody other than them knew.

Children walked along with their parents, gaggles of teenage girls chatted noisily, couples holding hands in their matching costumes.

Pico hadn't had time to pick out a costume, so Keith had helped him.

They walked down the street in matching white rabbit onesies, hand in hand. It looked a bit ridiculous, but it was warm and comfortable. Nobody gave them any strange looks. It was Halloween, the one day a year you could dress as something else without being judged.

They weren't planning on trick or treating. They would just go to the store and get the candy when it was on clearance the next day.

They were heading towards the park. There was a singing competition that Keith wanted to participate in. He said it would be a good way to start his career.

Pico was a little paranoid about the monster.
"I can always give you a kiss," Keith had reassured him.

Keith was an optimist. He was a pessimist. They were as different as a cat and a dog, but they fit together almost perfectly.

Sure, they had rough patches here and there, but they got through it.

Love was so dumb and cheesy. It was amazing.
"What'cha thinking about?" Keith's warm hand against his. It was still hard to believe it.

"You." He smiled like a dork.

"Aw, you're really such a softy~" Keith moved closer to him.

"And you-" he pointed at him. "Are, uh, cute."

Keith gave him a peck on the cheek. "Mwah!"

He wished he could have thought of a more creative compliment.

Even if he couldn't, he was still perfectly happy. The storm had passed, and now there was a rainbow in its place.

For once, he felt like nothing could go wrong.

Finally, we reached the end! Thank you all so much for the support and funny comments, I really appreciate it. Now, I guess I have to start editing and rewriting the first couple chapters.

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