Ashaangi OS Kutty Kai

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Disclaimer: This story is a piece of fiction based on author's imagination and has nothing to do with the actual lives of Ashwinkumar and Sivaangi Krishnakumar. Keep that in mind while reading.

PS: I asked people in HT of when SK first started calling AK as Ashwineyy. I came to know that in Jessi episode she says "Per Ashwinuu" and Ashwineyy got evolved when she complains or expresses without holding back. So, I have used both Ashwinu and Ashwineyy here.

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Ashaangi OS Kutty Kai

Sivaangi stretched her arms lazily as she switched on the tv and walked inside the kitchen. After grabbing her favorite Pringles and a glass of juice, she settled herself on the couch, placed the snacks on the coffee table and browsed TV channels.

None of them felt appealing to Sivaangi and so, she logged into her Hotstar account planning to watch a Disney movie. After ten minutes of not finding a good movie to watch, she heaved a sigh and put on her favorite show "Cook with comali2"

A smile touched Sivaangi's eyes as her eyes scanned through the episodes. It has been long since she watched the show. Just by looking at the screen her memories rushed back to her putting a wide smile on her face.

Sivaangi pursed her lips as she thought of which episode to watch. She contemplated between Anabelle episode and the episode where Ashwin wins immunity round.

After giving it a thought, Sivaangi put on the episode where Ashwin wins the immunity round. For Sivaangi, watching CWC means not only happiness but also jogging down the memory line.

Sivaangi clasped her hands in excitement as she sat crossed leg and grabbed Pringles and munched on it as she watched the show. Minutes into the show and she was rolling into laughter.

When Ashwin gave entry, Sivaangi bounced on her seat as her eyes twinkled. She knows what happens next in the show. Heck she was a part of what she's watching but the excitement of watching Ashwin on screen never dies down for her.

Sivaangi remembered how she went to watch ESP on first day and like she said she did shout "Ashwineyy" And this tradition continued for his every movie release. Grinning to herself when Ashwin complimented her bun on the episode, she stuffed her mouth with potato chips.

To say that Sivaangi missed the sets of CWC even after all these years would be an understatement. Her eyes twinkled when Ashwin was called to choose his pair. Ashwin was inspecting the handprints and she heard herself saying on the screen,

"Blue color. Kutty kai pathaley theriyum. Kai kuda alandhu pathomey"

A soft smile touched Sivaangi's lips as she recalled her words. Too many memories have been linked with the show that Sivaangi could never get over CWC although she couldn't be the part of the show from next season owing to her professional commitments.

Sivaangi's thought slipped back to the moment behind the Kutty kai statement. A Kulu Kulu feeling spread within her as her mind recalled the certain incident that she hinted in the above statement while a big smile grew on her lips.

It was after the Mohiniaattam episode where Sivaangi has cut her finger accidentally while cutting tapioca. Parthiv yelled cut marking the end of the shoot after the elimination round. While some left to their room to get changed, few stayed back to talk.

Ashwin, Sarath, Bala, Rakshan, Sakthi, Manimegalai, Pavi, Darsha and Kani were talking. Sivaangi who usually stays behind for the fun banter has left to change since her costume was heavy and to be honest, she was tired after the cut on her finger that has started to sting.

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