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Sexual themes, minor anxiety attack

Brian woke up feeling odd. They'd been in Vegas for three days now, spending time in casinos, museums, and several different stores. But this morning, Brian felt strange.

He checked the calender, frowning. Usually when he felt like this, that meant his heat was about to start. But it was only August 29th, his heat wasn't due for another week and a half.

Brock stirred, burying his face in Brian's neck. "What are you doing up so early?" He mumbled and Brian shrugged, frowning confused. "I don't know. I'm feeling like my heats about to start, but it's too early," he said confused and Brock sat up, blinking his eyes sleepily.

"What do you mean?" He asked and Brian shrugged. "It's the same feeling in my stomach I get right before my heat. That pressure," he said, shaking his head.

"Wait, this is your second heat after you've gotten off your suppressants, right?" Brock asked, habitually slipping into doctor mode. Brian nodded, blinking in remembrance.

"Your heats will be off for the first few, remember. So if you're starting early, that's normal," he said and Brian sighed a little annoyed.

Brock hesitated, watching Brian's expressions. "If you don't want me here for it, baby, I can go stay with Anthony," he offered gently and Brian bit his lip before shaking his head.

"No, I want you here. I just, I don't want you missing out on the outings with the crew. If you stay, you'll be stuck here for three days with me," he answered quietly and Brock took his hand.

"I'll gladly miss anything in the world if it means spending time with you, Bri. I just don't want to push you if you're not ready," he said and Brian watched Brock for a moment.

"I trust you. I love you. I think I'll be okay," he said finally and Brock tilted his chin up and kissed him softly. "Okay baby, if you're sure. I'm going to go tell Evan what's going on, when do you think it'll start?" He asked and Brian judged his body for a moment.

"Probably not for a few hours, I have time for breakfast at least," he answered and Brock nodded. "Then let me call some room service while you get things ready, okay? I'm going to go talk to Evan and Jon," he said, pressing a soft kiss to Brian's mouth.

"Okay, I'm going to shower. I was planning on one this morning anyway," he said, feeling a small hint of nerves in his stomach. This would be his first time properly with Brock, and his first time willingly with any Alpha at all.

Mark had convinced him ages ago that the attack didn't count as his first time, that his body and soul were still pure. He still had some reservations on being touched, but he knew he could trust Brock.

Brock stood and got dressed in some jeans and a tank top, ringing room service as Brian got up and gathered his things for a shower. He didn't need clothes during his heat, but he wasn't going to lay around without them until then.

"Room service is on its way baby, I'll be just across the hall in Evan and Jon's room, okay? I won't be too long," he reassured Brian who just nodded, giving Brock a faint smile as the Alpha left the room.

Once he was gone, Brian rushed into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He stared into the mirror, shaking slightly. He took a deep breath, steadying his nerves and started the shower.

Brian wasn't sure what to expect. Technically, he'd never slept with anyone, and never shared his heat with anyone. In all ways that counted, he was a virgin. And this would be the first time since the attack that he'd even thought about anything sexual.

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