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Brian sat on his bed, kicking his feet a little annoyed as Brock moved about the room, gathering things. Brock had forced him to sit down and not move since his leg was still messed up and it kinda irritated him.

Brock had come up about an hour before carrying his suitcase, finding Brian attempting to hobble between the closet and bed where his suitcase was laying. He'd only gotten about three days worth of clothes set on the bed, and was struggling on his crutches.

"Anything else Bri?" Brock asked and Brian checked over his bag, keeping his face blank. He wasn't even mad at Brock, he was rather grateful he'd come and helped. He was more mad at the fact that he couldn't do it himself.

Omegas healed fast, they always do. They heal two times faster than Alphas and four times faster than Betas, and that number goes up during heats. But the amount of damage that had been done to Brian's thigh would still take a while to heal properly, something that irked the omega.

"I think that's everything. A week's worth of clothes, socks and underwear, comb, toothpaste and brush, shampoo, body wash, my knife, laptop, chargers," Brian mumbled, sorting through everything again to double check.

"Yeah, I believe that's everything I need to bring. My wallet and phone will be in my pocket," he said, closing the lid and zipping it shut.

Brock walked over and picked the case up, moving it over to his own by the doorway. Brian stood, leaning on his crutches and paused. He had a strong feeling he was forgetting something, something major, but couldn't think of it.

He shook his head and followed Brock, deciding to ignore it. It couldn't have been too important if he didn't remember it, right?


Brian looked out the side of the helicopter, excitement in his veins. Evan had somehow pulled some strings and Marcel was allowed to land and leave the helicopter in a field nearby.

Sark, Bryce and Ria had decided to stay behind, wanting to go to Disney instead, but Mark and Séan had come. Brian was excited, having grown closer to Mark and Séan since he'd started therapy.

Marcel landed the helicopter easily, everyone gathering their things while the blades slowed. Evan and Jon jumped off first, Brock following and helping Brian off. Brian adjusted his crutches under him and stood off to the side with Jon while everyone else climbed off.

Once everyone had gotten their bags, Evan led the group over to a dirt road where a man stood next to a long limo. "Mr. Fong?" He asked and Evan nodded, shaking the man's hand.

"And you are..?" Evan asked, knowing the man's name but wanting to make sure he was the right person. "Jeffrey Blake, sir," he answered and Evan nodded, gesturing to the group.

"This is Jonathan, my partner. Tyler, Daithi, Brock, Brian, Anthony, Jaren, John, Marcel, Scotty, Luke, Genay, Mark and Séan. They're my crew," he introduced, everyone waving as Evan said their names.

Jeffrey nodded at everyone and opened the car door. "I'll be your driver. Yumi will meet you at the Bellagio Hotel," he said and Evan nodded, standing back as everyone climbed in.

Brock and Jon helped Brian climb in, his leg healing but still very stiff. Once everyone was seated, Jeffrey closed the door and got into the driver's seat, starting off down the road.

"I am so ready for this week. This trip was really needed," Jon sighed happily, looking out the window at the passing landscape.

Evan and Brian nodded in agreement, grinning excitedly. "From what I've heard, Bellagio hotel and casino is one of the top rated casino in Vegas, it has over 2000 slot machines, a massive outdoor pool, and a few amazing restaurants," Evan said and everyone exchanged excited glances.

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