
52 1 0

Brian's going through heat in this one, so sexual themes in this one
Mild panic attack midway through and mild depressive thoughts near the end!

I forgot to post the last chapter last Saturday so double update today!

Brian checked over his bag, making sure he had his small stash of toys hidden at the bottom under his clothes and multiple water bottles.

He was mildly terrified, since this would be the first heat off his suppressants and knew this would tell him if his body would be okay. He cursed his father mentally for the millionth time in 10 years, this time for possibly ruining his chances at having kids.

Most omegas had that longing to have kids with their Alphas, and discovering that his father's actions and his blind, ignorant following could have ruined that chance.

He sighed and closed his bag, checking around his room to make sure he didn't leave anything telling out. A knock came at the door and a scent of saltwater and pine drifted in, telling him it was Jonathan.

"Come in!" Brian called, turning as footsteps grew closer. "You ready? The car is," he greeted and Brian nodded, nerves building in his stomach.

"You said your first heat off the suppressants wasn't too horrible, right? Better than being on them?" Brian asked again, having asked that at least a dozen times the last couple days since they'd gotten back from the very successful raid.

Jon just smiled, stepping closer and pulling Brian into a hug. "Everything will be just fine, Brian. Daithi and Tyler will be on the floor below you, and Daithi will check on you twice a day. And if you need me, Daithi or Tyler will call and I'll come by. You'll be okay," he said gently, scenting the nervous omega reassuringly.

Brian scented Jonathan, relaxing as the saltwater and pine filled his senses. "Okay. I shouldn't be so worried, I've dealt with my heats alone for 10 years," he grumbled and Jonathan laughed faintly.

"You don't have to anymore. You have us, and you aren't ever losing us. Now lets get downstairs, Tyler and Daithi are waiting," he said and Brian nodded, spraying double of the scent blockers on him and placing a second full bottle in his bag.

He could already feel the very beginning stages of his heat, which meant it would hit him full force within three hours. Which would give him enough time to get to the hotel, check in and get his room ready.

They headed downstairs, waving casually at everyone who was in the main hall. Brock looked up worriedly, standing and following the two down to the car port.

"Hi Brocky," Brian said quietly, the Alpha smiling fondly at him. "Hi Bri, you doing okay?" He asked and Brian shrugged. "Worried about a million things, but none of them will be solved until after my heats over," he muttered, checking around to make sure no one was near.

Brock nodded, hesitating. "I- I've been wanting to ask, can I scent you?" He asked hopefully and Brian bit his lip, his heart aching at the idea of his crush being so close but not wanting to miss the chance.

"Um, yeah?" He said, his nerves making the word a question. "Only if you're sure," Brock said firmly and Brian swallowed. "Yeah, I'd like that," he said more confidently and Brock smiled, stepping closer.

Brian's heart froze and then started racing as Brock placed his hands on the omegas waist, pulling him closer as he leaned forward and ran his nose across Brian's scent glands.

Brian shivered, feeling the waves of Alpha pheromones fill his senses, making his impeding heat feel that much more intense. Brock pulled his head away but didn't let go, eyes dark.

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