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Brian yawned, drinking at a cup of coffee as he sat with the rest of his crew around the meeting table. Evan had called the meeting the day after Brian, Daithi and Tyler had gotten back from the hotel saying there was a new gang rising and they were attacking the BBS warehouses.

Brock sat next to him on the right, Daithi and Tyler on his left. Jon was in his usual seat by Evan, the omega waving at Brian from across the table.

"Everyone here? Where's Anthony?" Evan asked and Scotty giggled faintly. "He, uh, was getting breakfast and fell asleep at the bar while his toast cooked. I, kinda just left him there," he replied sheepishly and a smattering of laughter spread around the table.

"Will someone go get him? We'll need our camera man," Evan said amused and Scotty stood up, still shaking with laughter.

But before Scotty reached the door, they heard distantly, "Scotty you stupid mother fucker!" Scotty couldn't hold it in, he burst out into full belly laughter as Anthony threw open the door and stood there with a massive red mark on his forehead and cheek.

"H-hi Anthony," Scotty choked through his laughter, everyone else in the room stifling their laughs. Anthony moved and grabbed Scotty into a headlock, rubbing his hair with his fist roughly.

"I told you to wake me up, asshole," Anthony said with a grin, everyone knowing he wasn't actually angry. Without letting to of Scotty, he looked up to Evan. "Sorry man, idiot here didn't wake me," he apologized with a grin and Evan rolled his eyes.

"You're fine, not too late. Now you two sit down, we have some things to discuss," Evan said, waiting till the two hackers sat down before passing out folders.

"Okay, so this new gang that we have figured out has at least 8 top members and dozens of foot soldiers. They're calling themselves The Ice Diamonds. From what we can tell, they mostly do omega trafficking and weapon smuggling," Evan started off and Tyler grimaced.

"You said they've tried raiding one of our warehouses, right?" He asked and Evan nodded. "Thankfully, they only sent four foot soldiers, probably to see how protected we were, and John, Jaren and Marcel were there to do inventory and killed all but one of them. We questioned him and that's how we got most of our information," Evan replied.

Brian flipped through the folder, memorizing the faces of the 8 top members and the few photos of lower ranks that Anthony or Scotty had gotten from security cameras.

"So what are we going to so?" Brian asked and Evan sat back in his chair. "Anthony is searching cameras to see what warehouse is holding omegas, and we're going to free them and knock this gang down a couple pegs. Scotty, once we find the warehouse and free as many omegas as we can, is going to call the police and hopefully get whoever we don't down arrested and put away," he replied and everyone nodded.

"When do you think that'll happen?" Brock asked and Evan shrugged. "I want to go a day or two after Scotty gets the address," he said and Brian nodded, mentally thinking that it would more than likely only be a day or two before Scotty gets the information. He was the best hacker in all of Los Santos for a reason.

"Brock, is Brian cleared for field work?" Evan asked and Brian looked up curiously. "I'm thinking one more day of healing, and I'll check tomorrow morning, but I'm pretty confident he'll be okay to go back in the field as long as he's not doing any extreme jobs," Brock replied and Brian grinned.

He was ready to go back into the field. "Perfect, I was going to have him and Jon back on snipers. Daithi, I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to do, but if you think you're ready, come talk to me okay? If not, you can stay here with Brock in case we need some medical help," Evan said softly to Daithi and the omega nodded, biting his lip.

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