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Brian moved slowly through the hotel room, regathering his things and putting them back into his suitcase. He was utterly exhausted and just wanted to sleep, but he knew he had to get home.

Daithi and Tyler were headed up, and Brian wanted at least the sheets gone and his toys hidden. It wouldn't do anything for the scent, but at least they wouldn't have to see anything.

A knock came at the door and Brian tiredly walked over, opening it. "Hi," he said quietly and Daithi smiled concerned at him. "You doing okay?" He asked and Brian shr7gted, yawning.

"Haven't slept hardly any these last three days, I'm exhausted. This heat was way more intense than my usual ones," he said quietly, moving to zip up his bag.

"Can I check your shoulder?" Daithi asked and Brian nodded, moving to sit on the armchair. Daithi and Tyler walked in after him, frowning as they noticed Brian drift off almost immediately.

"He's exhausted. Heats don't normally take this much out of an omega, right?" Tyler asked softly and Daithi shook his head. "But he's also recovering from a near fatal injury and this was his first heat off the suppressants. His body wasn't prepared for it," he replied just as quietly, undoing the bandages around Brian's shoulder and chest with light, nimble fingers.

He checked the stitches and wound, thankful that it seemed almost completely healed now. "Thank God for Omega healing. I can remove the stitches, and it'll probably be best to do so while he's asleep. Will you grab my bag?" Daithi asked and Tyler nodded, grabbing the small medical bag Daithi and Brock had made.

Daithi set to work on quickly snipping all the threads and carefully tugging them from the skin. A couple small drops of blood followed, but once all the thread was out, Daithi just wiped them with a clean wet rag, put some peroxide on it and put some gauze over it.

"That will more than likely be healed by tomorrow, with his heat hormones still running through him," Daithi whispered and Tyler nodded, still watching Brian's sleeping features worriedly.

"Let's get him home in his own bed, I'll have Jon join us so we can watch over him," the omega said softly and his Alpha nodded again, letting Daithi move away and gather his medical supplies before carefully picking Brian up bridal style.

Daithi grabbed Brian's bag and double checked the room, making sure everything was out. He followed Tyler to the car, where he climbed into the backseat and let Tyler lay Brian down with his head in Daithi's lap.

The drive home was quick, light music from the radio playing. Daithi ran his fingers through his longest friend's hair, Brian having been the first to welcome him into the gang when he joined 5 years before.

Brian and Daithi had immediately bonded over both being from Ireland. Brian's family had moved him to America right after he presented, not wanting their neighbors and family knowing he was an omega.

Daithi had moved once he left his family behind at 17, joining the gang right before he turned 19. Brian had just turned 20 and had been the one to "recruit" Daithi when he discovered he had no place to live.

Daithi knew he'd do anything for Brian, and vice versa. Brian had already done so much for Daithi, and the omega hadn't known how to repay his brother. And now he did.

Daithi was determined to he there for Brian as he grew to accept himself and forever after. Brian was part of his family now, and Daithi protected his family.


Tyler carried Brian up the stairs to the omegas apartment, trying to avoid everyone. He didn't want anyone asking any questions, and even with extra scent blockers on, Brian still smelled of heat. That would wear off after another shower and some rest, but until then, Tyler would keep him away from everyone.

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