☠︎︎ Five Nights ~ ℝ𝕒𝕟𝕓𝕠𝕠 ☠︎︎

Start from the beginning

This place hadn't been touched in years.

They were most definitely the last group of people to even touch this place.

"This place is creepy as hell." Phil mutters.

"No shit, Sherlock." Tommy snaps, probably the most freaked out in the group.

"This wasn't a good idea, coming here." Jack says, a slight tremble in his voice despite the small smile on his face.

When they walk past the dimly lit entrance area, they walk into the dining room. It's the biggest room in the establishment. It's much darker than the entrance, almost completely blacked out.

They walk a bit further, looking around at the dusty place. Y/N hears the muttering of the rest of the group behind them, but slightly walks a bit ahead.

Y/N turns her flashlight on, pointing it at the ground in front of her, activating a bright beam that reveals the head and torso of a beaten animatronic staring back at her.

Y/N yells, falling on her ass and crawling back, eyes wide as she kept her flashlight still aimed at the lifeless bot on the ground.

Lucas runs over, crouching at his sibling's side. He looks over at the lifeless animatronic.

"Holy-" he almost swore under his breath, catching himself.

He turns to his sibling and helps them up.

"What the hell is that?" Alex says, approaching the bot.

He crouches in front of it.

"It looks like a fox..."

"Hey, like me!" Floris exclaims, earning laughs.

Alex touches the animatronic's face, touching the black metal eyelid that was half closed. He pushes it up with his pointer finger, opening the eye more. The other eye was covered by a black eyepatch.

"Careful, Alex." Y/N says, warily eyeing the lifeless hunk of metal on the carpet.

"Yeah, yeah."

He continues to touch it, attempting to lift the eyepatch. It complies, squeaking on small rusty hinges.

After a few seconds of studying the bot's face, from the pointed ears full of holes to the sharp teeth in the snout, the dull yellow eyes slowly turn to "look" at Alex.

His eyes widen, standing and taking a step back. The eyes stay there, gazing at where Alex once crouched in front of it.

"What the fuck-"

Alex gets cut off by a loud clattering sound in one of the rooms in the back of the building.

The group looks at each other, all slightly worried.

"Uh... maybe it was just a rat..?" Floris attempts to ease the tension, but to no avail.

"A rat, my ass." Tommy mutters, earning a giggle from Toby. "More like a fucking dinosaur."

"It's okay, Tommy. I am a bit scared, too." Niki comforts him and he smiles at her, silently thanking her.

She smiles back, feeling Will stand next to her.

"I'll protect you!" Will dramatically wraps his arms around Niki, Tommy, and Toby, squishing them in a hug.

That earned laughs, including Tommy. Poor thing was too scared to admit.

Once Will releases them from their agonizing confinement, Y/N wraps her arms around Tommy in a hug. He hugs back, albeit hesitantly.

"You're fine, Tomathy."

☀︎︎𝕄ℂ𝕐𝕋 𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤☀︎︎ [𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱]Where stories live. Discover now