✍︎ ︎Tutor ~ 𝕋𝕦𝕓𝕓𝕠 ✍︎︎

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Y/N - your name


~< Reader POV >~

I sat at the table, head leaning on my left hand as I struggled to focus. I had been at this for hours already, since before I came into this library.

My teacher gave me this awful math homework that has these stupid questions on. It's about proportions and ratios, that kinda stupid shit.

I hate school. I wanna die when I am there.

As I sat there moping in my own bubble of darkness and despair, I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I looked to my right to see a concerned boy around my age standing over my slouched self.

"Uh, you okay?" he sheepishly asked, not wanting to be annoying. I sighed, my eyes darting down to my papers, immediately narrowing into a glare.

"Nope. Not at all." He looked a bit surprised.

"What's wrong..?" he asked as he sat down in the chair to my right. I inhaled slowly, closing my eyes.

"I hate math." I heard him laugh a little at that, making me crack a small smile.

"Same, math is hard." I nodded at that.

"It's not only the fact that I completely and utterly despise math, but I am also shit at focusing properly, and I have been at this for hours now!" I growled, making grabby hands at my math papers, wanting to shred them into smithereens.

"Um, well, maybe I could help you?" he offered, and I lifted my head to properly look at him, surprised.

"Wh-..." I paused. "Really..?"

"Yeah, of course. You definitely look like you need help with it." he said. I chuckled. "And it's an opportunity for a new friend, as well!"

"I- uh, okay then." I held my hand out for him. "My name's Y/N."

"Mine's Toby. Nice to meet you." He shook my hand.

"Aww, Toby's a cute name!" I gushed, not letting go of his hand yet. His face flushed a bit red, and I inwardly smirked.

"I- well- uh- 'Y/N' is a cute name too..!" he tried to get back at me, but it didn't work, sadly.

He had soft hands.

"Thanks, Tobes." I smiled at him.

"Nicknames already..?! I haven't even known her for ten minutes!" he thought, the red slowly fading from his face.

"OkAy, let's help you with the homework, shall we-" I laughed at that, turning back to the papers in front of me.

He leaned closer so he could see the papers better, and started reading out the first blank question he saw. His face was right next to mine, causing my face to heat up a bit. I tried to focus back on the work.

He explained the question a bit, showing me how to work it out.

"You cross-multiply the first numerator with the second denominator, and then the first denominator with the second numerator. Write those here, yep, just like that, and multiply them to see if the problem is proportional or not."

I listened to him, writing the numbers down as he spoke. The numbers did end up matching, so it was indeed proportional. I smiled at him and he returned it, proceeding to help me with the rest of the questions.


"Thanks so much, Toby. You helped me a lot, there." I said as we stood from the table. He smiled another one of his adorable smiles that I already loved so much.

☀︎︎𝕄ℂ𝕐𝕋 𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤☀︎︎ [𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱]Where stories live. Discover now