𖦹 Close Call ~ 𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𖦹

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Y/N - your name


"I'm so tired." I say, leaning on Jack's arm as he drives us home.

I had a stressful day at work and just wanted to shower and cuddle. His hugs always made me feel better.

"I know, Love, we'll get home soon." he says. I love the pet names he gives me. They give me butterflies.

I feel the car slow down a little.

"Why's this guy going so slow..?" Jack mutters, starting to get frustrated.

"I dunno. He better move." I reply.

"Fuck this, I'm going past him." Jack accelerates into the left lane, passing the slow car. Just as he's about to reenter the right lane again, the other car accelerates and almost slams into us. Jack swerves back into the left lane, almost hitting someone else. "Bloody hell, fuckin' idiot!" He blares his horn at the idiot, staying in the left lane.

He gradually passes the idiot when there's another car in front of them, so they can't cut us off again. Jack passes the car in front of the idiot and merges into the right lane again. He heaves a heavy sigh.

I let out a shaky breath, and Jack seems to notice.

"You okay..?" His voice goes soft, compared to the hard angry voice I heard just a moment ago.

"In all honesty..? No, my heart is pounding." I mutter, hugging my arms to myself. "I hate the highway."

Jack wraps his free arm around my shoulders and pulls me against him as he drives.

"It's okay, we're fine. It's fine." he reassures. "We'll be home soon."


The drive home was tense and long, and I have been wanting to relax all day. I just want a chill night, no more interruptions, no misfortunes. Just me and Jack.

We walk in the door, lazily dropping our stuff on the couch.

"I'm gonna take a shower..." I mutter.

"Yeah, take a nice one, change into some comfy pajamas, and lets just relax on the couch and watch movies, okay?" He holds my shoulders and gazes down at my tired face. I nod and he presses a tender kiss to my forehead.

I yawn and walk down the hall to our shared room and grab some pajamas and head to the bathroom to shower.


I walk back into the living room in my cozies with my fuzzy blanket in hand, seeing Jack in the kitchen. He's probably preparing dinner, maybe warming up leftovers. I didn't feel like making anything tonight, like I normally do. When I do, however, he usually helps me make whatever we choose to make that specific night. It's like our routine.

I walk into the kitchen and hug him from behind, burying my face into his back.
He chuckles.

"Go sit on the couch, I'll be out in a moment." he says, patting my hands that are wrapped around his waist. I wordlessly comply, going into the living room and plopping down on the soft cushions. I lay my head on the armrest and doze off for a few minutes.


I'm startled awake by Jack gently shaking my shoulder.

"Oh- sorry, I scared you. I made sandwiches." I look down at the plate he's holding to see two sandwiches and a bag of cheddar ruffles. It's a really good combination.

I smile and lean against him. We start eating as we watch a movie on his tv, a random Disney movie we agreed upon.

I finish eating when he does, and he sets the plate and bag of crisps onto the coffee table. He pulls the fuzzy blanket over the both of us and lays back onto the pillows against the armrest, pulling me down with him. I lay on top of him as he hugs me, both of us covered in the fuzzy blanket.

We both fall asleep to the warmth and the tv blaring in the background.

Today was stressful, but it ended on a happy, warm note.


661 words

☀︎︎𝕄ℂ𝕐𝕋 𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤☀︎︎ [𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱]Where stories live. Discover now