A young elf approached seeking to dress Nicole's wound, she no longer in the mood to be fussed over. "It is fine, leave us."

"You must let them look at it," Waverly insisted. "Let her at least have a look, for me."

"Did we do the right thing?"

"Coming here? Yes. Your family are more powerful than mine. They offer us greater protection should the wizard try anything. He will not attempt to penetrate these walls knowing to do so would bring all elven to his door in battle. One he would surely lose."

"I don't think I can be separated from you. Not now, not after everything we..."

"Hush, my love. It is but a short time. A year I believe before we can be one."

"A year! That's it, we're going to your folks. I'm not waiting a year. I brought chilli powder with me."

Waverly giggled. "You are a tonic. Now, your arm."

Nicole allowed the elf to tend to her wound, a deep ache where the arrow penetrated. A small bed was brought in and placed some distance from hers, along with white silk robes. Waverly had not worn such fine cloth before, its touch on her skin the softest, almost like moss. Lying in bed Nicole called over. "Mine is bigger."

"Mine is softer. Goodnight."

"You could hop over here and keep me warm."

"I'm not a rabbit. We will be banished if we are caught."

"You never kissed me goodnight. I won't be able to sleep."

"I'm far too comfortable here."

Nicole eased herself out of bed, slipping in beside Waverly, her feet hanging over the end. "Well, goodnight."

Waverly brushed Nicole's hair from her face, placing a kiss on her cheek. "We are both strangers here. Some will not take to us, given I'm fairy and you're Troy. You have the benefit of your grandmother's ear hopefully. Although, we must not take advantage."

"I know, you're right. My bed's bigger."

They spent the night in each other's arms, well one arm in Nicole's case, migrating to the larger bed. As the sun rose they welcomed a new day and a new life, one to which both would need to adjust. A flurry of activity outside their bedroom door told them someone was about to enter, Waverly unable to get back to her single bed before the door opened, Nicole's grandmother making an entrance.

Seeing the pair in bed together she waved her hand for her entourage to leave them, waiting for the door to close, taking a seat close to the fire. "Is this your fairy princess? The one who has your heart."

Nicole nodded, pulling the covers higher. "This is Waverly. We're together."

Her grandmother smiled. "You've caused quite a stir already by your arrival. Your insistence on bedding your betrothed is already being talked about. You are your mother's child without a doubt."

"I'm sorry," Nicole replied. "I know it's not how it works here, but Waverly's all I have. If anything were to happen to her."

"Waverly my child, what are your intentions for the next ruler of these lands."

"I will stand by her side your majesty, provide her with the support she needs to become part of your kingdom."

The queen nodded. "You are welcome here. It has been a burden these past years with the presence of the wizard. I longed for someone to share that burden. My granddaughter's arrival is a blessing and her happiness is paramount. However, we must follow our ways and traditions if others are to respect us."

"Can we have adjoining rooms?" Nicole asked.

Her grandmother laughed. "Your cheek is refreshing. "And, no. Your rooms will be sufficiently apart to ensure you conduct a proper courtship."

The queen stood, Nicole taking in her majestic form and royal robes, watching as she left their room. "We'll work something out."

Waverly dressed in the robe left for her, Nicole's face telling her she approved. "It troubles me the wizard has vanished."

"I'm curious why the mirror was being moved. I'm hoping Jeremy and Robin will be able to track it down. I need to find a way to get a message to them and work out what moving the mirror does. I also need to learn how to fight like Xavier."

"You need to rest, my love," Waverly replied. "That arm needs to heal properly for it to be useful in battle. Wizard, or no wizard, that is our priority."

Nicole lay back on the bed. "I will insist you are to be my nurse. Ouch, really hurts."

"Is it your arm, my love?"

Nicole placed a finger on her lips. "Here. The pain is here."

"Oh is it?" Waverly replied, grinning. "Then let me tend to them."

"And here," Nicole said, touching her neck."

"There too. My, my, I must tend to it also."

"And here," Nicole said, pushing away the covers, pointing to her heart.

The months flew by, the couple finding secret places to be alone, Nicole's adventurous side blossoming in her new home. It surprised her how much she changed considering her life before had been one of limited risk and daring. It was as though she was released from the person she had chosen to be in the non-magical world, free to reinvent herself, be who she most wanted to be.

She watched as the blacksmith forged her very own sword, her grandmother performing the naming ceremony in the presence of her warriors. Nicole held Durendal in her right hand, her arm still weak from the arrow, feeling the sword come alive to her touch, quivering slightly as the magic flute had. Its metal had been polished to the point she could see her own reflection, twisting it slightly in her hand to catch the light. As she raised it above her head, swearing allegiance to her grandmother, a cheer went up, Nicole's heart leaping at the sound.

Waverly approached, kneeling before her, pledging her own allegiance, Nicole telling her to stand, taking her hand. "I have found my family," she began. "I have found home and my heart is here. Some of you may know Waverly and I are a team..." Soft laughter rippled through the gathered crowd. "Okay, all of you know we are together. My grandmother has given us permission to marry early. I think she has grown tired of having to keep us apart. We have set a date to exchange our silver rings for gold to signify our union. In one month we shall unite our two families."

A louder cheer went up in the great hall, accompanied by the stamping of feet, a deafening sound to celebrate the couple's news. Word had been sent to the fairy folk, as well the goblins for the occasion, the villagers who had been kind to them also invited, along with Nicole's parents, Jeremy and Robin. Nicole set off with a party of escorts to bring her friends and family to the Ruby Glades, the narrow valley having been cleared of lowmen through repeated hunting by warrior elves.

It troubled her there had been no word of the wizard, ever mindful he might show up when least expected. Still, she had a wedding to attend. Her own and she was determined not to let him spoil their day. Their horses slowed as they approached the village, now an accomplished rider, still on the back of Gosfar, the two forming an unbreakable bond. She knew a few Elven words, enough to be able to talk to her horse, tell him how much she loved him.

Riding into town villagers stopped to stare at the majestic procession, some bowing to Nicole as she passed. Entering the tavern the sight of her family and friends gathered brought tears, hugging her mother and father, then Robin and Jeremy. "Well don't you look Assassin's Creed," Robin said, breaking the tension. "So good to see you again. I've brought more chilli powder, as you asked."

The Slipper & The Magic Mirror (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now