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Do people change?

Renjun thought so. He changed after all. Sometimes traumatic things make one stronger, sometimes they doom them. Renjun believed that he got stronger.

But strength comes in several forms. Either it's physical or mental. Hardly anyone can be strong in both. Renjun was sure he got strong mentally. He wasn't as physically strong as his fiancé, he was kind of fragile in terms of physical strength. But how strong could it be when affected twice?

It had been three days since Renjun saw Jeno and Jaemin. Two when he saw Jisung. He took care of the kid and felt attached to him, so he was rather sad when he walked into an empty room with no sign of the boy.

Other doctors claimed that Jisung got better, but Renjun hardly believed them. It was impossible to recover that fast. Just the previous day Renjun taught Jisung how to walk carefully. And now he was gone until he could fully recover.

Renjun's intuition told him that Jisung's disappearance was closely related to what Jeno and Jaemin saw at the front desk. They seemed to be angry and disappointed that Renjun had a fiancé, but the doctor himself had no idea why they found it surprising. It had been seven years. Renjun had so many turns in his life after that.

Do people change?

Some people change, some don't. Some of them become better people, some get worse.

Renjun knew that Jeno and Jaemin were the latter. They indeed got worse. Once a crime is committed there's a high chance that it would get done again. Especially when a person wasn't caught. It encourages them to continue with it.

Seven years ago, they invaded Renjun's house with Jeno's uncle in control. Renjun felt like he was fooled when his house got invaded once again, but this time the two did it themselves. Jeno and Jaemin broke inside just when he opened the door, thinking that it was the food delivery for the late movie night. He got harshly shoved inside and before he could scream, he was shut up with something in his mouth.

Yukhei went to check up on his fiancé since the latter didn't show up for some time. As soon as he saw that Renjun was hovered by two familiar men, he wanted to beat them up. Nothing happened as expected. They had a gun that turned Renjun's fiancé into another marionette.

"Move and I'll shoot you," Jeno spoke in a cold, almost the same as the first night, voice.

"What do you want from us?" Yukhei asked between gritted teeth.

Jaemin made his way towards the taller man.

"Your house is ours now," he said. "Every single thing."

He started to name things just to piss the guy off.

"Your TV, sofa, carpet and," Jaemin pointed at Renjun, "your fiancé."

Renjun started crying. Especially when not a single emotion was shown on Jaemin's face when they shared eye contact. That meant that Renjun was unable to soften his heart. Not anymore.

Scared, Renjun glanced at Jeno. The latter seemed to show a bit more than coldness but then the young doctor realized that the invader was looking down at his robe. Lustfully. Renjun tried to cover his underwear and the naked body beneath it but that only made Jeno eager to take it off.

They forced Yukhei to watch how they rape Renjun. Yukhei was dying out of distress that he was unable to do anything. Renjun was dying out of shame. He hated what they were doing to him but at the same time he liked it to the point his body started burning, asking for more.

There was no escape this time. There were no parents that were about to return home. Two weeks grew into two more and more. Very soon it was a month since the house got invaded. The busy city around never gave a chance to the neighbors to hear what was happening inside the house. No one really cared to see two unfamiliar males leaving the house instead of the people who were known in the children's hospital. Maybe the neighbors thought the two moved out?

Not even once Renjun was let to see the daylight. It was always darkness or a lava lamp he had near his bed. He was living in only two rooms, his bedroom that wasn't even his anymore and the bathroom that had its door broken. Every single corner of the room smelled like other men. There was no sign of his fiancé.

Renjun knew that he was still down there. He heard Yukhei's voice but he wasn't allowed to see him. Jeno and Jaemin made sure that none of them could meet. Was it jealousy? Was it obsession? Renjun couldn't tell. He was slowly losing his mind once again. This time he felt like he wouldn't recover anymore.

"You know, the human brain is special," Renjun whispered and brushed Jisung's hair with the back of his hand.

The two brought their kid to live here too. Renjun was aware that they had no intention of leaving them alone. They felt at home here. All because in the past, Renjun saved them from jail.

"But what's so interesting about it?" Jisung asked in curiosity. "Our brain looks like a walnut!"

A seven-year-old boy wanted to know everything. He was curious about things and was incredibly smart at some times. The biggest problem was that he had no idea what was happening around him. He kept visiting Renjun whenever he wanted but never did he question why the older was always in the same room. Perhaps, he thought that Renjun was sick and tried to visit just like the doctor did to him once.

Thanks to Jisung's visits, Renjun was still in his right mind. He felt like he was slowly dying when he was left alone. The hours alone sometimes made him greet his captors as if he was their dog. He despised his own self for begging them to not leave him alone and... love him.

"Walnuts look like our lungs," Renjun laughed.

His laugh lacked happiness, though.

"But what's so special about it?"

Renjun just nodded and shifted his eyes on the ceiling.

"You're using it right now," he said with a sigh. "But there are people who are unable to use them anymore."

"How does it even work? It's not a mechanism!"

"Some of them are physically here, but mentally they're somewhere else."

"It's like wearing a VR gaming set!"

Renjun chuckled.

"You can say it like that. Once ruined, it can't get back. Imagine that you just broke your gaming set. Irreversibly."

The bedroom door opened and Jaemin walked in. Renjun looked back at the ceiling, ignoring the latter's presence.

"Jisung, I think I told you to not go here at such an hour," Jaemin scolded his son. "Go to your bed."

The boy whined but did as Jaemin wanted him to. It made Renjun question if he ever hurt his son. It didn't look like it. Renjun saw that they purely loved Jisung. But why was it that it was so wrong when it came to Renjun?

"Take off your clothes."

Renjun learned that there was no use in saying no. He was never beaten when he didn't agree but he knew that his fiance was. Everything happened just how the invaders wanted anyway which was the main reason Renjun stopped resisting.


© minniemism 2021


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