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The day sure went slow.

As Renjun finished treating Jaemin's wound, there was nothing else to do. The man was the only one who watched the TV. Jeno and Jaemin didn't want to while the sofa people weren't even asked. Renjun could only imagine how the TV, even the stupidest shows and commercials, would help them go through the day.

The only attraction was the bathroom. It was the thing that kept Renjun waiting. He wasn't even interested in food as much as he wanted the bathroom. Not only because of the nature call, but also because of the specific object behind the bathtub.

He was taken by Jeno there again. They repeated the same cycle with Jeno standing next to the window, while Renjun did his business.

Washing his hands, Renjun turned to Jeno. "Do you also go inside the bathroom with girls?"

Jeno shook his head. It was good that he didn't find the question suspicious.

"They haven't done anything since you told them not to. But you did."

Renjun thought Jeno talked about that time when he was trying to escape through the window. He didn't remember that there was the door thing too.

"They hadn't seen it," Renjun replied, maintaining eye contact with Jeno.

The latter opened his mouth to say something but shut it in a second.

Renjun got curious. "What?"

"Did you really mean it?" he asked in a way lower tone. "Can we trust you?"

"What are you talking about?" Renjun was nervous, especially when he heard the 'trust' word.

That word was dangerous and suspicious in this atmosphere. Renjun began thinking that maybe Jeno knew their plan.

However, Jeno stared at Renjun as if he tried to search for something in the other boy's eyes. When there was nothing to see, Jeno sighed.

"No, nothing."

Renjun sighed in relief but it seemed like Jeno did too.

It was the third time Daiyu was summoned to the kitchen. It was rather quiet in there so when Renjun heard the man yelling Jeno's name, he got scared.

He flinched and looked over his shoulder, trying to hear any sound that would tell that Daiyu did something bad and was about to get punished. However, there were no sounds of crying nor did he hear her screaming. Only the sound of water.

Jeno left Jaemin's side and ran to the kitchen. Renjun got to witness how relaxed Jaemin's shoulders went up, showing nothing else than tension. He was scared. Just by the simplest action, Renjun knew that Jaemin could relate to the sofa people a lot. The blonde was also a frightened sheep but had a little more privileged that turned him into a wolf.

Renjun heard muffled voices in the kitchen that helped him to know that Jeno and the man were discussing something. There was no drop of angriness in the man's voice, so Renjun at least knew that Daiyu was safe.

Jeno left the kitchen but went upstairs. Renjun knew all that just by listening to the guy's footsteps. He never knew that people could walk that differently. Just because he had to follow the rule to not move whenever the man was somewhere near, Renjun began using his hearing abilities more.

"Write everything you need," Jeno said and gave the paper to the first girl who was Yanlin.

The girl gladly accepted the paper and started writing something right away. Renjun saw how Jeno's face tensed and soon the paper was taken away. Yanlin let out a sigh but was left oddly satisfied which got Renjun's curiosity. What did she write?

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