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The three purposely discussed something behind their backs, so they would fear to look behind, not knowing if they were watched or not.

Again, Renjun tried to hear what was their topic. He didn't see any of them taking something to steal so the version that they were thieves seemed to be less believable. The boy began thinking that they were kidnappers. But kidnappers would already have them in their car, right? Renjun didn't know who else could they be.

From the way their voices sounded, it looked like it was two against one. The old man was denying everything the two younger said. Renjun got anxious.

"Renjun, I want to go to the bathroom," Ninghong pulled on the boy's sleeve.

The male cousin looked at the girl and showed a weak smile.

"Wait a little bit. I'll try to ask them."

"I'm not going anywhere!" the old man's voice made them flinch. "It's a good opportunity, are you blind? No one will find us here!"

Renjun's ears perked when he heard the last part. So, they were running from someone, huh. Even if it did give a little information about the intruders, it didn't calm him down at all. They thought about hiding here for sure.

The girls heard that too. They all looked to Renjun and mouthed all kinds of prayers as well as curse words. Their parents weren't there. No one could prevent them from swearing.

"Who knows how to cook?"

The man approached them from the back so suddenly that none of the cousins were aware of him. The girls screamed while Renjun shivered.

"I know," Yanlin bravely spoke up.

"Good," from the way his voice sounded, the man was smiling. "Anyone else?"

"I can cook too," Renjun also replied.

There was no way he would leave Yanlin alone. Even if they wanted someone to make a meal for them, Renjun couldn't risk it.

However, the man ignored the boy. "Anyone else?" he repeated.

"I can," Daiyu, another older girl spoke, although scared.

The man walked around the sofa and faced both of the girls.

"Go to the kitchen and make me something edible," he ordered in an intimidating voice. "I hope the best out of you. If it, by any chance, tastes horrible, I'm going to cut your pretty hair."

After that, the girls were asked, no, they were ordered to stand up. Yanlin and Daiyu unwillingly did and slowly made their way to the kitchen.

"Wait," Renjun stopped the man from following after them. He even stood up to get his attention as he didn't seem to be hearing the boy.

"Sit down!" the man's face got red.

"Calm down," Renjun did as told, believing that he nearly got slapped.

He was silent but his eyes were angrily glaring at the man.

"I'm leaving you two to watch over the kids," he said to the guys in a low tone but Renjun could bet that everyone heard it. "Neither of them can move, do you understand?"

Renjun didn't know what was happening behind his back, but he guessed that they both nodded. The man's footsteps got lighter and Renjun clenched his fists when he realized that both of his cousins would be alone with the weird man.

He looked over his shoulder, seeing two boys whispering. Their eyes quickly shifted on the motion Renjun made and they stopped what they were doing.

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