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The fifth day in captivity.

If Renjun could, he would mark those days in his little calendar or even on the wall. But no. He wasn't able to move unless he wanted the man to get angry.

And he was indeed angry that day. The man, just like Renjun, was on a hangover and was so moody and picky that it was hard to even listen to him talking.

He stayed upstairs the whole morning. Renjun heard the man shouting from the bedroom for his allies to bring him a glass of water. His voice was so annoying that Renjun thought about messing up with his own ears to not hear that bastard anymore.

The man's voice was getting on Renjun's nerves, especially when he was also in a very shitty situation. After partying in real life, Renjun couldn't leave the bathroom the next day. Usually, he was hugging the toilet and filling it with half-digested drinks from the night before. Too bad he was in captivity and couldn't use the bathroom whenever he wanted.

Fuck that expensive vase. Renjun was using it instead. It was way better than throwing up on the carpet as he was sure he would get to see that view for the next days if his plan won't succeed.

Speaking of the plan, Renjun didn't remember offering Jeno to escape, he only knew one plan at it was related to his phone. He sure saw Jeno looking at him but didn't give any particular meaning. Maybe Jeno was just looking at him in disgust. Having a person throwing up in a room full of people wasn't really a nice thing to start the morning.

"Renjun, stop! The room stinks!" Liling whined when Renjun threw up before she could turn away.

"Do you think I'm doing it because I like it?" Renjun barked as soon as he was finished.

"Should we start taking them to the bathroom?"

"Do you think that's a good idea? He's upstairs..."

Renjun turned to Jeno and Jaemin just as he heard them speaking. Jaemin's condition was better but he still looked pale and weak. Renjun felt like Jaemin tried his best to not show how serious his condition really was as he kept smiling at Jeno. And it was the rare times Renjun saw Jeno smiling too. Always to Jaemin, never to the man.

Speaking of the devil, the man went downstairs and everyone shut up. Jeno jumped on his feet, making Renjun think of him as the man's puppy. Coming to think of it, he really looked like one. He was following the latter's orders just like a dog.

"Do you know how to make a hangover soup?" he asked Daiyu.

Renjun wanted to laugh. She was a teenage girl. How could she know?

The girl shook her head. The man asked Yanlin. She shook her head too. The man got annoyed.

"I know how to make it," Renjun spoke before Mr. Kim's face could get red.

The man raised his eyebrow and looked at Renjun in hesitation. Either he really hated him or he just wasn't very friendly with men.

One idea popped into Renjun's head and he felt how his hands got sweaty. He quickly looked at all the girls and was left disappointed when he knew he would have to suggest Daiyu come with him. During four days with them, Renjun noticed that the man used only Yanlin and Daiyu to cook for him.

He wasn't sure if Daiyu was good enough to not mess his plan, though he didn't have any choice.

"If you don't want me to cook, I can be there only as a teacher. She can make it with my help," Renjun said while pointing at Daiyu.

Renjun highly doubted that his plan would work. The man didn't let two girls be in the kitchen for a reason. There was a low chance that he would let Renjun go there as he was the suspicious type.

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