25: How To Have a Impromptu Therapy Session

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"Gon, why would you say that?" Leorio snapped scornfully.

"I- I don't know! I didn't know how to tell her," Gon replied, basically pleading with the two to see things his way. But his roommates were already reserved to the idea that he fucked up.

"You were just rambling to us this morning about how much you liked him- how happy he made you. Not only that, but you told us that you don't have romantic feelings for Retz anymore," Leorio returned. Gon bit the inside of his lip, breaking the skin. Remnants of coppery blood lined his tongue, the bitter taste making him cringe internally.

"I- I know. But that last part... I'm not sure if that's true anymore," Gon mumbled under his breath, just loud enough for his roommates to hear. "It's just- when I saw her, everything came rushing back. When I say everything, I mean everything. All the pain and shit she's put me through, sure. But also, all the good stuff she made me feel too- safe, comfortable, loved. Yeah, things were a little off and I'm still hurt, but it was still her. She was standing in front of me, and it just felt warm and safe, and when she kissed me-"

"Wait- what?!" Kurapika and Leorio shrieked incredulously, making Gon jolt upright.

All I had to do was keep my mouth shut. But noooo. My brain decided to say 'fuck you, Gon' in ten different languages.

"I- uh-"

"You kissed her?" Leorio chastised, his voice loud and overbearing with astonishment.

Kurapika scoffed in disgust. "Of course he did," He growled, looking at Gon with narrowed eyes and a cold expression.

"She kissed me!" Gon shrieked defensively, throwing his hands up in exasperation and groaning.

"Did you kiss her back?" Leorio asked hesitantly, not wanting to know the answer but needing to know.

Gon looked at him weakly, knowing his defense was as hole-ridden as a colander. "I mean... I didn't not kiss her back," He said quietly, unable to make his voice any louder.

"Did you or did you not pull away the second she tried to kiss you?" Leorio asked again, serious this time with a more forceful tone. His tone of voice carried all the weight in the world and placed it on Gon's shoulders.

"I... I didn't..." Gon trailed off, ashamed, letting his head fall and hang in shame.

Gon immediately felt a sharp pain strike the left side of his head. An audible slap rang throughout his ears, practically vibrating his brain. He quickly perked his head up, looking shocked and somewhat startled. Leorio was looking at him, hand still raised, and a pissed expression adorning his face.

Gon rubbed the side of his face, gingerly rubbing his now red cheek. "Leorio, the hell?!" Gon snapped, looking at him with furrowed brows.

"Did that help knock some sense into you, or do I need to try again?" Leorio griped, looking at Gon with a disgusted expression.

Gon looked at him, shocked. "Leorio-"

"Shut your damn mouth and listen to me, kid," Leorio ordered sternly. Gon caved into himself, looking guilty and feeling the same. "I have so much to say to you right now. And none of it good," Leorio started, Gon already experiencing the bitter feeling of contrite and heaviness weighing on his chest.

"I mean, seriously. Were you thinking of Killua at all? You were just telling us how much you liked him and how he makes you feel so happy and this is how you repay him? Kurapika and I saw the genuineness written on your face when you talked about him. The smile you wore when you talked about him was unlike anything we've ever seen from you. Even when you were with Retz. And now, here you are, forgetting all about him," Leorio said, disgust dripping from his voice like venom.

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